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'Timing out'


Wise Old Thumper
Do any of your rabbits 'time out'? We've never really noticed it before, but Lopsy does. I think when he was a single bun, we just thought it was normal (sleeping or whatever), but now we've got Aboleth we've noticed it's very much a Lopsy thing.

Matt described it very well when he came into the living room yesterday having been spying on them from the kitchen and said 'one of the bunnies has encountered an error and had to restart: the other one's got bored waiting and wandered off' (not that they do wait for each other much, it's more just an expression we use!). He does just sit there, not doing anything, occasionally his mouth moves... It's not while he's actively eating, and sometimes he'll suddenly 'start up' and eat or clean or run off, and if we go outside he usually 'restarts'. He's sat in an upright position, so alert but not really with it (even for Lopsy! :lol:).

Anyone else had any experience of this?
Do any of your rabbits 'time out'? We've never really noticed it before, but Lopsy does. I think when he was a single bun, we just thought it was normal (sleeping or whatever), but now we've got Aboleth we've noticed it's very much a Lopsy thing.

Matt described it very well when he came into the living room yesterday having been spying on them from the kitchen and said 'one of the bunnies has encountered an error and had to restart: the other one's got bored waiting and wandered off' (not that they do wait for each other much, it's more just an expression we use!). He does just sit there, not doing anything, occasionally his mouth moves... It's not while he's actively eating, and sometimes he'll suddenly 'start up' and eat or clean or run off, and if we go outside he usually 'restarts'. He's sat in an upright position, so alert but not really with it (even for Lopsy! :lol:).

Anyone else had any experience of this?

Yeah I know this :)

I think they slip into a parallel Universe. Very advanced creatures these rabbits :thumb:
I think they slip into a parallel Universe.
Yes, that's precisely it! Good to know it's not just ours who's trancing (like elves in D&D), meditating/found Buddhism, contemplating life itself...! I suppose it means they feel safe?! Or they'd just be eaten in the wild :lol:

daphnephoebe: yes, Lopsy's always been the 'odd' one, so maybe they're of the same stock :lol: