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Going outside:)

So I have ginger which I used to put her in a run, but it's actually pretty small. Then the other day I discovered that she could actually free range around my garden and my garden is MASSIVE. She was having loads of fun till it was time to go in, we have to pick her up because we live up above a shop so walking her up isn't a option. But when this happened she got really stressed and scared. So my question is: is it worth it letting her free roam is she gets like this, we have a harness but would this make her just as stressed, thanks ☺️
Hi try putting her in a carrier to get her to and from garden put treats inside so it's not horrible this will also help with get visits she won't known the difference :D and a tasty treat always makes things nicer

I have to carry two in the garden at the mo Rosie is fine but Pie struggles like I'm going to eat her I tuck her head under my arm so she cant see and doesn't fuss as much but isn't very happy its only a few feet for me;)
Good idea thankyou! She used to like her carrier now she hates it but I will try and lure her in abit because I love it when she's really happy free ranging, thanks a lot ☺️
She may have also been upset at having to go in :lol:

Rosie will come to me to go out and Pie won't but to get them in :roll:
I have trouble catching Rosie but Pie comes to me I have an odd couple
When we move the run around we pop Lopsy in his carrier: he goes in it OK (sometimes needs a bit of a bum-push) but then we use a different one for the vets so hopefully he associates one with nice things like new grass :)