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Dermot is Really Showing His Age Now


Wise Old Thumper
He's almost 10 and over the last few months he has become a real old man. He is still happy though. I never thought he'd make it this far given his problems over the years. He now also has a suspected adrenal tumour, so he is very much on borrowed time

Sweet old boy :love: He reminds me of Mimzy or Fiver when enjoying a good snooze. :)

It's so hard watching our dear animal families age. :( Most of mine are all in their senior years (buns and cats) and I fear a succession of losses before long.

Sending you (((((((huge hugs)))))) Jane, and warm snuggles for Dermot. xxxxx
He looks really soft and fluffy. He is beautiful. 10 years old wow he is adorable. (((((Hugs Dermot)))))
I always think its so wonderful when rabbits that are getting old can enjoy a real ''pensioners'' lifestyle, he may be getting on but its clear he's contented and comfortable, I think about the rabbits out there that might be old but still getting tormented by children etc etc...

He's a lovely boy! :love: