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approaching the end of middle age :(


Warren Veteran
Now that Jimby is 6 yes old the vet has said he is approaching the end of middle age :(
I said 'but you will keep him alive, won't you?' And he said 'I will certainly do my best' I said 'He has to live forever' and my vet said 'that's a tall order, but I will do the best I can'.
I can't loose my baby :'(
I know bunnies that have lived to 12 years or more, I wouldn't worry yet :) My Teddy is probably about 6 years old, and he's still bouncy and full of life!
Im sure you will have long left, and enjoy however is long left with him!:)

I also feel like I want my girls to live forever and cant imagine losing them
lol - I think its a bit more complex lol than thinking at 6 years old they are at the end of middle age - lol that's like saying if I'm 50 I'm a pensioner lol - one of my bunnies is almost 10 years old and still has loads to give although as you can expect he does have a few health issues but he is fine and dandy at the moment.

Sending hugs to Jimby and he is feeling better soon.
Loads of bunnies make it way past six years - I really wouldn't start thinking you're going to lose him, or anything like that :)
Oh try not to worry, my last bun lived until over 11, so I certainly wouldn't think of 6 as being old at all. I'm sure he'll be just fine. xx
I love him with all my heart and just the thought of loosing him is soul destroying :'(
Thank you Fillygal but thankfully it was just a check up x
Don't worry about something you can't control - everyone and everything dies sometime, it's what makes life so precious.

But Jimby isn't that old, he's a small/medium rabbit - when neutered and healthy they can live to 12 years. Middle-aged is just that, in the middle, he's got nearly half of his life left to go.

Barney is also a minimum of 6 years old (very likely older, his age is unknown), he is a large rabbit (shorter lifespan), very underweight, has chronic snuffles, has chronic gut problems, has a really bad infection in both inner ears, has arthiritis and bad back problems/injuries and is on 6 medications daily, two of which are painkillers. I am going to be devastated when he passes, and every winter I think he's going to go, but you know what? Every spring he's still here. If Barney can keep going despite all of this, I'm sure Jimby will be fine.

Be positive, 6 is just a number, and not a very high one. 6 years old is not a death sentence, that's like saying humans all drop dead at 55. Don't worry about something you can't control, just focus on the present, and yours and Jimby's happiness.
Aww I don't view a 6 year old rabbit as the end of Middle age. My ruby will be 6 in February and she is just as bouncy and active as she was when she was a baby (though a lot more grumpy). Like others have said he could live to be 12! I had a little nethie who lived to be nearly 10, he was my first bun when I knew nothing about rabbits and I can admit now that he wasn't really that well looked after and he still was healthy and lived a long while.
I don't view 6 as all that old, my Jack is 6 and if I think about it I'm shocked - he doesn't seem middle aged at all! Still a bouncy little rabbit :)

Age is just a number and is no guarantee of how long they're going to live :)
Don't worry he'll be fine
He's not that old rabbits live to be well about 12 years
the thought if my rabbits were leaving sickens me too....
He's just my baby, I honestly love him like a Son, when I look at him I don't see a bunny, I see my Son. I know my bond with him is not exactly healthy but can't control how I feel about him.
He's just my baby, I honestly love him like a Son, when I look at him I don't see a bunny, I see my Son. I know my bond with him is not exactly healthy but can't control how I feel about him.

I personally cannot comprehend this at all BUT, as it is highly likely that you will lose your rabbit before your Son, how on earth are you going to react when it happens?

Pets only ever live for a short time, that is a fact. It would definately be worth getting some professional help whilst your rabbit is still healthy to give you the tools to cope when the inevitable happens.
I personally cannot comprehend this at all BUT, as it is highly likely that you will lose your rabbit before your Son, how on earth are you going to react when it happens?

Pets only ever live for a short time, that is a fact. It would definately be worth getting some professional help whilst your rabbit is still healthy to give you the tools to cope when the inevitable happens.

In my head I know that I will loose Jimby but in my heart I can not accept it, I can not loose him.
obviously Jack is on a level higher for instance I would get Jack out of a burning building first but I would still go straight back in for Jimby.
I am in the process of getting psychological help for my bond with Jimby but I can't help how I feel.
In my head I know that I will loose Jimby but in my heart I can not accept it, I can not loose him.
obviously Jack is on a level higher for instance I would get Jack out of a burning building first but I would still go straight back in for Jimby.
I am in the process of getting psychological help for my bond with Jimby but I can't help how I feel.

I'm glad to hear you are getting help xxx
Vets can say such silly things! :roll:

When Schumi was about 9, the vet told us he'd only last one more winter. :roll: He was as healthy as a gummy-bunny could be for a further 2. He was 11 1/2 when he left us. Yes, he'd slowed down, but my Mum and I were FUMING with that vet!!

Six is a baby.
