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Winter Housing for Baby Rabbits


New Kit

We are looking to get two baby dwarf bunnies in about late November. Have room and plans for a massive hutch and run with lots of room to run and play but unsure if they will be okay to leave out in the winter (seeing as they will be so small and all). Know that grown rabbits are alright in cold temperatures but unsure about baby ones.

Can't really fit much into the garage but could potentially get a hutch in there but no run. Would it be worth laying off the large hutch plan until the spring?

Any advice on how to the best ways to keep them healthy and warm during the winter would be much appreciated. Can't wait to get the little guys!!! :) :)

Where will you be getting bunnies from as this is the most important part? If they are from a pet shop and have been kept inside then in my opinion they should be kept indoors as they will not have the think winter coat needed. If they are coming from a rescue and have been living outside then the cold will not be an issue to them. I would recommend getting them from a rescue as it works out so much cheaper getting bunnies that have been spayed/neutered and vaccinated. Very costly with 2 petshop buns! Welcome to the forum :wave:.
Yes, I agree, it really depends what temperatures they are used to. If they've grow up out and about they'll be fine.

A snugglesafe heatpad would be a good buy either way for a bit of added toastiness :)
Getting them from a pet section from a garden center which is kind of open but inside, was pretty chilly when I went in today.
Was thinking earlier that we could set up the hutch/run in the garden and then move them into a temporary cage in the garage at nights when it gets cold. Do you think this will this mess up their temperatures?
Have looked at the heatpad and they look very nice and snug! Kinda want a human one for me!
Getting them from a pet section from a garden center which is kind of open but inside, was pretty chilly when I went in today.
Was thinking earlier that we could set up the hutch/run in the garden and then move them into a temporary cage in the garage at nights when it gets cold. Do you think this will this mess up their temperatures?
Have looked at the heatpad and they look very nice and snug! Kinda want a human one for me!

That seems a good plan . . . if you give them LOTS of hay and straw then they should be fine. Your problem may come when they have to have their neuters/spays - as then they will need to be kept warm for a a few days whilst they recover -

Dont forget as well to get their vaccines as soon as you can - there are still lots of mossies around this year due to the warm weather.
I think you'd be better with the hutch in the shed full time. I think they might be a bit unsettled if they are moving back and forth when they are new to your home too.

If you check with the garden centre they'll hopefully be able to tell you were they were kept when they grew up, unless they breed themselves they probably won't be there long.
How about getting a cover for the hutch? Would that solve my problem? Would get a cage to keep them in for after neutering/spaying so they could stay inside.