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Warren Scout
I wanted to get another rabbit for as a friend for my rabbit!but since I had her spayed she has turned more aggressive towards me and she didn't like my old rabbit (who died last year) either! there any reason why this is?
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How big is her set up? Some rabbits get territorial about their hutches esp. if they are small (anything less than 6 x 2).

She may be nervous or even have poor eyesight. Try chatting softly to her so she knows you are around and try sitting down on the floor (or in her run) and letting her come to you. Dont try to stroke her or anything but let her explore you and gradually she will get used to you.

None of mine enjoy being handled but the will come and sniff me and I have started to sneak in the odd stroke ...

As for another rabbit, great idea. There are many really good bonding threads on here.
The only time she is in the hutch is in the nights! As she has a free run of the garden!
she doesnt like being fussed or handled! She had been mistreated in the past before I had her
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If you decide on a friend for her, I would take advice from a good rescue about the sort of male to introduce her to. I would also let them do the bonding (unless you're very confident and experienced yourself). You may well get some very good advice about your female rabbit and what has perhaps led her to behave like this.

Good luck :wave:
How long has she been spayed? It can take the hormones awhile to go down.

Rabbits are often quite aggressive towards each other because they are protecting their space. You might find she'd react completely differently on neutral territory (place she doesn't usually have access too). A neutered male would be the best match and if possible finding a rescue that would do some 'dating' would be a good way to tell how she'd react before you commit to taking a second rabbit home.