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Marble's results...need suggestions!


Warren Veteran
Have just been given Marble's results, and everything has come back as fine.

Vet has asked me to measure her intake over the weekend, and to get a urine sample for Monday.

Is there anything anyone can suggest that I can ask the vet to check out? She's still drinking more than usual, and a lot more than the other two.
I've not read the history to this but have you checked her teeth? A sore mouth can lead to an increased water intake.
Have just googled rabbit drinking loads and someone has posts as a vet if everything else is fine meaning kidneys and mouth then hormones, heat and growing and to keep an eye on its output
Have just googled rabbit drinking loads and someone has posts as a vet if everything else is fine meaning kidneys and mouth then hormones, heat and growing and to keep an eye on its output
Ooo thank you!

Going to go down the route of testing urine on Monday - they said the option after that is to scan her to see what's going on inside.

I would put it down to heat, but it started Wednesday night, which has actually been the start of cooler weather here :roll:

She's a mystery is Marble - I hope she isn't growing :shock: 4.5kg is enough!
Ooo thank you!

Going to go down the route of testing urine on Monday - they said the option after that is to scan her to see what's going on inside.

I would put it down to heat, but it started Wednesday night, which has actually been the start of cooler weather here :roll:

She's a mystery is Marble - I hope she isn't growing :shock: 4.5kg is enough!

She doesn't look that big :shock: I hope it is just the hot weather
She doesn't look that big :shock: I hope it is just the hot weather
When she stretches out you realise just how big she is :lol: I hope so too, although it's relatively cold here and she's already drank half a bowl since 7 :/
Mine went through a phase of this not long ago and I carefully monitored in and output. There was nothing to it and within a week they were back to normal. They fluctuate how much water they drink I think due to the heat changes and, well, laziness!
Mine drink loads more when it's warm weather, and also when they're eating more hay too. Has she started eating more hay or dried stuff?
Mine went through a phase of this not long ago and I carefully monitored in and output. There was nothing to it and within a week they were back to normal. They fluctuate how much water they drink I think due to the heat changes and, well, laziness!

The reason I haven't put it down to the heat is that she started on the first cool night we had here for weeks.
It's also not a slight increase, she's gone from drinking 1 or 2 bowls in 24 hours to 4/5
Mine drink loads more when it's warm weather, and also when they're eating more hay too. Has she started eating more hay or dried stuff?
Nope, her eating is the same :/
Just to give everyone an idea of how much Marble is drinking:
I'm using a 2 litre bottle of water to refill her bowl. I'm filling the bottle every morning, and each day she's drinking around half of the bottle - so that's about 1 litre a day, as well as the natural fluids she's getting from her veggies.
It's not really gradual either, when she's drinking, she drinks about half a bowl each time she goes to it.
That's also just in the day time. At night I'm giving her 2 bowls of water as I don't want her to run out whilst I'm asleep. Most mornings both bowls are empty. I'm guessing that she's drinking just short of 2 litres in a space of 24 hours.
Sorry I've just caught up on all of this. Yikes a litre a day does sound like a lot, marbles has always been a big drinker but I'd guess she probably has about 500ml/day.

I don't think in have anything useful to suggest (I presume they tested her liver function?), but wishing you lots of luck in getting to the bottom of it.
Sorry I've just caught up on all of this. Yikes a litre a day does sound like a lot, marbles has always been a big drinker but I'd guess she probably has about 500ml/day.

I don't think in have anything useful to suggest (I presume they tested her liver function?), but wishing you lots of luck in getting to the bottom of it.
Yeah, she had blood tests to check kidney/liver function and all clear.

Thank you, taking a urine sample in tomorrow for them to test.
It's good that they've ruled those things out. Out of interest, how do you get a rabbit urine sample?
Wih great difficulty if it's Marble :roll:
Basically a clean, empty litter tray & a syringe.
Marble doesn't like an empty litter tray though so it's taken a while to get one!
When they checked teeth did they check her jaw for abscesses as well?

I went through a similar experience with Erin last year and she had liver and kidney blood tests/x-ray/EC test ... she was bright and happy just drinking masses and peeing masses... she was also eating really well, the normal range of food.

Two weeks after all those tests came back clear she went for a vaccination and she was found to have a tooth root abscess!
When they checked teeth did they check her jaw for abscesses as well?

I went through a similar experience with Erin last year and she had liver and kidney blood tests/x-ray/EC test ... she was bright and happy just drinking masses and peeing masses... she was also eating really well, the normal range of food.

Two weeks after all those tests came back clear she went for a vaccination and she was found to have a tooth root abscess!
They checked inside her mouth with the tool (otoscope I think?) And felt all along her jaw, no issues at all :/
I'll ask them to check tomorrow :thumb:
Am I right in thinking that Marble likes her hay? If so imo, bunnies who are great hay eaters are also drinkers.

In my experience of caring for my own bunnies since 1995 and for many, many others.......some drink more, some drink less. So long as they eat, drink, wee, poop and display normal behaviour and raise no worries..........that is okay. Some bunnies that I have known of drink very little, but manage to get sufficient fluids from their fresh foods. Every bunny is different.

This is what I have experienced first hand and is my personal opinion. Anyway...please give your gang a cuddle from me....and I send you, tash, my best wishes. Di. xx
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