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Best thing to do is google them, if they are a scam company you'll generally find out this way. Google the phone number too.
12g is heavy duty more like you'd expect for dog kennels so that's fine, 2" square is a bit big holes for rabbits. If you went for that, I'd recommend covering the bottom 2" in some finer mesh. That stops them sticking their heads though or catching a leg or a cat/fox pawing through the mesh. You can cable tie it on.

I don't know about the particular company/website.
So they are safe?!

What I think she meant is that amazon have their own, extra protection so you're safer ordering through them if you're concerned.

Their mesh is on the inside..

That's great, as it's safer on the inside. However, the minimum recommended size for the mesh holes is 1 x 1/2 inch to prevent claws/teeth of any predators getting through, and any injuries with bunnies getting their legs caught by accident etc. So the 2 x 2 inch 12g mesh would be nice and strong if attached well, but the gaps are a bit big. The main problem area is ground level, so if you go for the 2 x 2 inch mesh it'd be a really good idea to mesh over the bottom with smaller mesh - or go for smaller mesh all over. These things are unlikely to actually happen, but the injuries are quite often horrific if it does happen - cat scratches can be fatal, and so can broken limbs especially when they panic when stuck. You can either get fairly cheap rolls of smaller hole mesh and run it around the bottom 2ft of the enclosure, or some places do mesh panels etc. It's quite a faff though so personally I'd go for the smaller mesh in the first instance as it saves having to attach it all twice :wave: