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Heidi's lady bits


Young Bun
Evening all

I've just checked the girls over and have noticed that Heidi's lady bits look a bit swollen and red.

She is hopping about and eating normally...Does anyone know what it might be?
No other swelling's, her eyes are perfectly normal and she feels her normal temperature.

No signs of any mites, ticks etc or bite marks anywhere.

She's going to the vets on Saturday for a visit before she gets vaccinated.
No other swelling's, her eyes are perfectly normal and she feels her normal temperature.

No signs of any mites, ticks etc or bite marks anywhere.

She's going to the vets on Saturday for a visit before she gets vaccinated.

If she is not vaccinated then Myxomatosis is a possibility. How old is she ?
She's 15 weeks old. I can't feel any bits or lumps or scabs anywhere on her (and I check her twice a day).

She's otherwise totally normal
Well... That's what I was told....

Just a quick update. Heidi is a girl (not a boy), it's not Myxomatosis or Rabbit Syphilis... Basically what's happened is (somehow) she's managed to get a cut down there.
The vet asked if they had been fighting which (when ever we've been around) they haven't. They chase eachother around but not fighting so he's a baffled as we are. Can only think she caught herself on a bit of a toy or something.

Anyway, antibiotics are the cure for her. :D
She may be reaching puberty and hence she may have been trying to mount the other Doe. If she tried to mount the 'wrong end' ie the other Doe's head then a bite on her 'lady bits' is a very likely result.

Did the Vet prescribe any pain relief ? It must be really sore, especially when she passes urine :cry:
No, no pain relief. Just antibiotics and been told to keep an eye on her. Her temperature is normal and her behaviour hasn't changed at all. She's due back tomorrow for another check over