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Weepy eye - meds help!


Warren Veteran
Moss has had a weepy eye for the last month. Finished a course of 10 days on Baytril and Tiacil twice in that time frame but every time he stops it it comes back with a few days. The weird thing is the eye responds to the meds the first few days very quickly and by day 10 is pretty much back to normal. Or so we think. Do you think he needs something stronger or a longer course? Will be taking him back to the vets of course but just wanted to know others peoples thoughts...
If everything seems back to normal on the meds he has, I would maybe try a longer course.

Hope he feels better soon.
It could be elongated tooth root related. If the tooth roots are over-grown they can press on the nasolacrimal duct preventing tear drainage. Elongated tooth roots cannot be diagnosed in any other way than from Xrays.

Or it could be that the duct is blocked by a hard plug of pus. So the core of infection will remain in situ. A duct flush could help clear the pus and then a further course of abx eye drops would hopefully see the problem resolved.
Has the vet x rayed him for his tooth roots? This sounds like my Alf, turned out he's got elongated tooth roots and they were blocking his duct, he needed regular flushes for a while but he hasn't had one since last year at least and is just on daily metacam now :) Sounds like he may need a flush at the very least, if not some x rays?

ETA: sorry, Jane! Didn't see your post :p
Thanks Weedug. I have bathed it and added some Tiacil today just to sooth it until we can get the vets tomorrow eve.

Thanks Jane. I think you could be right on the blocked tear duct. It does look quite mucky and pussy at first, blockage seems the obvious answer now.

I will get him booked him at the vets tomorrow.