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Willow has bumble foot :( UPDATE


Mama Doe
I feel terrible :oops::oops:

My poor boy has bumble foot :cry:

He's on metacam twice daily and I have to change he's environment :( I feel awful :cry:

Anybody got any tips ???
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Ah poor Willow. I have no advice just lots of vibes for him and a hug for you!

Thanks Christine :wave: I feel dreadful for this happening .....you know what it's like:roll:

He seems absolutely fine in himself though :thumb: think it's going to take a while to go :oops:
Don't blame yourself you took him to the vets and got him sorted. Metacam is great stuff so at least he is pain free which is the main thing. Let's hope it clears up quickly.
It is a condition that Rexes are prone to. It is also known as Ulcerative Pododermatitis

What substrate is he kept on ?
Oh no poor willow :( I'm sure a simple room change will sort the problem :) something like vet bed or fleece or those squishy foam mats?
Thanks guys I just can't bare the thought of something being wrong with him:oops:

I've just put down foam interlocking mats for him, he has a big box full of hay and his gingerbread house with hay in but the vet said to stuff a duvet cover with hay so it covers all the pen and makes it squishy for him to walk on :shock: so there's no hard floor?.......does that sound right?
Is it similar to sore hocks?
i have a mini rex and a few lionhead that are prone to sore hocks.
i use a litter tray filled with hay, and have a duvet with fleece over it for their floor.
in the base (ferplast cage) i had a memory foam dog bed, which they dug through now :roll:
ill probs have to go back to hay in the base or get an old pillow :lol:
hope he feels better soon xxxx
Is it similar to sore hocks?
i have a mini rex and a few lionhead that are prone to sore hocks.
i use a litter tray filled with hay, and have a duvet with fleece over it for their floor.
in the base (ferplast cage) i had a memory foam dog bed, which they dug through now :roll:
ill probs have to go back to hay in the base or get an old pillow :lol:
hope he feels better soon xxxx

Yeh it is but he's got it on all four feet :oops:

I'm worried about put down fleece or vet bed because I'm sure he will eat it:roll:
Fleece and vet bed can actually make it worse as they are very pretty abrasive.

The best substrate it to have them on a really deep bed of hay the whole pen covered. If you look at Janes set-ups you'll see what I mean.
Yeh it is but he's got it on all four feet :oops:

I'm worried about put down fleece or vet bed because I'm sure he will eat it:roll:

ooh owie.
i do like the vets suggestion, or amys of using janes set ups as inspiration.
bailey the mini rex has had flare ups on his wee front paws as well, but thankfully its mostly under control.
sending lots of vibes for willow xxxx
ooh owie.
i do like the vets suggestion, or amys of using janes set ups as inspiration.
bailey the mini rex has had flare ups on his wee front paws as well, but thankfully its mostly under control.
sending lots of vibes for willow xxxx

Fleece and vet bed can actually make it worse as they are very pretty abrasive.

The best substrate it to have them on a really deep bed of hay the whole pen covered. If you look at Janes set-ups you'll see what I mean.

Actually his pen is full of hay.......that seems to have caused it because he never had this when he lived outside
Actually his pen is full of hay.......that seems to have caused it because he never had this when he lived outside

Does he still use his litter trays? Maybe he's weeing everywhere and sitting in damp. I'm not saying you don't clean him, just that when I use more bedding in winter mine forget their habits and go everywhere and hay generally isn't as absorbant as things like megazorb, fitch etc.

Does he free-range indoors which he didn't do when outside? Maybe its carpet?
Does he still use his litter trays? Maybe he's weeing everywhere and sitting in damp. I'm not saying you don't clean him, just that when I use more bedding in winter mine forget their habits and go everywhere and hay generally isn't as absorbant as things like megazorb, fitch etc.

Does he free-range indoors which he didn't do when outside? Maybe its carpet?

Yep he's 100% with litter trays and they are changed twice daily :oops:

He does free range,(supervised) and there is carpet but not much, he spends most of his time on my bed or in the room where laminate is.......I'm confused.com
The only other suggestion I have and its not good is that sometimes guineas with heart conditions are prone to this - not sure whether that could be a cause in bunnies though, or whether its something a vet can check.
The only other suggestion I have and its not good is that sometimes guineas with heart conditions are prone to this - not sure whether that could be a cause in bunnies though, or whether its something a vet can check.

She checked him over heart and all :thumb: