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Strange head lifting behaviour


New Kit
Hi, can anyone help?

I adopted a doe (probably unspayed) a week ago. After noticing a lack of appetite and strange behaviour I took her to the vets where it was descovered she had 'points' on her molar teeth and a sore tongue. She also had something in her throat. The next day she was put under GA and her teeth were filed down, however, the something in her throat had disappeared, go the guess is that she swallowed whatever it was.

A few hours after her returning home she was hopping about quite happily and absolutely woofing her food down. Her general health is good, appetite is brilliant and droppings are, now, absolutely normal. She is happy to sit and groom herself and is loving all the attention she is getting. Sounds like a healthy rabbit, right?

For the life of me I cannot explain this strange behaviour which has continued - She will be either in a sitting or crouching (relaxed) position and could possibly be asleep. Then she will lift her head, fairly slowly, and can even touch her back with the back of her head. She will also grind her teeth. After she's put her head right back, she'll keep that position for a second or two, and then lower her head and lick her lips. It sometimes seems that when she lowers her head, she wakes up.

She doesn't appear to be in any pain or distress. The vet checked her breathing which was fine, so respiratory problems were ruled out. She's a lop/dutch mix and approximately a year old. I rehomed her as she was a stray and had been attacked (possibly a dog/fox), and had suffered injuries to her ears, which have now healed.

Can rabbits have sleep disorders or psychological problems? As I said, her health seems really good so I'm bemused. Aside from taking her to a specialist I don't know what to do.

Thanks for any advice.
Could you get a video? That might help us (and the vet) think of some ideas.

It's quite odd what you are describing, particularly if you've ruled out respiratory problems and she doesn't seem distressed.
It may be an ear infection/EC related, I had this once with one of mine - he eventually developed head tilt. I think perhaps it might be best to go back to your Vet for further investigation and or precautionary treatment.
Could you get a video? That might help us (and the vet) think of some ideas.

It's quite odd what you are describing, particularly if you've ruled out respiratory problems and she doesn't seem distressed.

I've videod it on my camera and shown it to the vet, who still has no idea what it is and has never seen it before. I don't know how to get the video onto the computer (I'll have to learn), but I can describe the posture as a wolf howling to the moon and the head going even further back. She's not making any noise apart from grinding her teeth.
Actually come to think of it (after re reading you post again), I was told that mine must have had some kind of previous head trauma, as the rescue believed he was blind - although I never saw any firm evidence that he was. Perhaps yours has suffered some neurological damage from the dog/fox attack?
Actually come to think of it (after re reading you post again), I was told that mine must have had some kind of previous head trauma, as the rescue believed he was blind - although I never saw any firm evidence that he was. Perhaps yours has suffered some neurological damage from the dog/fox attack?

I was thinking that might be the cause - it's just a bit distressing to see. I'll keep a close eye on her.
Thanks for the advice, star gazing is exactly what's she's doing, could also be head/neck trauma from when she was attacked? Think I need to get a second opinion.
Sounds like a neurological symptom referred to as 'Star Gazing'


I took her to my usual vet last night (she'd been seen last week by the Council's contracted vet as I adopted her from the Council animal welfare service). My vet confirmed from the video that it is star gazing and likely to be E-cuniculi, so we're starting with a 28 day course of Panacur. Her teeth may also continue to give problems as she has elongated molars, but we're taking it one step at a time and her teeth were only filed last week.

Many, many thanks for the advice Jane, hopefully she'll be on the uphill mend from here on. I hope I can save her.
I took her to my usual vet last night (she'd been seen last week by the Council's contracted vet as I adopted her from the Council animal welfare service). My vet confirmed from the video that it is star gazing and likely to be E-cuniculi, so we're starting with a 28 day course of Panacur. Her teeth may also continue to give problems as she has elongated molars, but we're taking it one step at a time and her teeth were only filed last week.

Many, many thanks for the advice Jane, hopefully she'll be on the uphill mend from here on. I hope I can save her.

As I first thought, glad you're getting it sorted. Hope she's feeling better very soon! :D