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BLOOD -worrying!!!! Also Mucus or pus as just checked again


Alpha Buck
I've fed rabbits earlier and went back to the kitchen and because Mia was in the cage I closed her in so I could grab her to check her over (bum, ears etc.) and she was fine, put her down and got Marley for his check and he's got blood on or coming from his willy.


These two are recently bonded but there was never any humping and even when he went to nip her and fur pulled she never retaliated, just ran away. She has however been sniffing near his bum that I've noticed. Maybe she knows something is wrong rather than having bit him? Could it have been itching and hes made it worse?It seems to have a weird bit on it too, like a little bit of extra skin and theres a little lump to the sideof the between bit of his willy and bum.

I'm about to ring the vets and make an appointment for today but I've only used them for vaccinations and a gut stimulant when Marley had an emergency appointment there. I wanted advice as to what it could be before I went as I don't want to be fobbed off if they're not particularly rabbit savvy. Very worried bunny mummy. Also, do I take them both? Shes a very nervy rabbit but I don't want to break the bond. If I do take her do they go in the same carrier?

He's eating fine and I'm sure he's been drinking. I did notice the other day when they peed on the blanket that one wee spot seemed more concentrate, like it was a perfect circle and appeared more yellow and in a weird way not as watery as wee :S is that most likely him?

Got an appointment for 10 to 8 tonight, the only appointment they had left :/

I've just checked him again and without touching it theres some mucus there, I don't know if its pus or mucus.
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I don't know how to advise you but I would keep an eye on him to see if he is eating, drinking and pooping okay whilst waiting to take him to the vet.

If you take them both then put them in one carrier together.

Hope you get more useful replies and best of luck at the vet xxx
Take both of them and put them in the same carrier. My buns go everywhere together, they can give each other comfort when they feel scared/stressed.

I have no idea what it could be. I would presume a bite, but it could be a urinary infection. Hopefully your vet will know what it is.
When I pulled the skin back to reveal his willy theres like a bit of skin that I can only describe as looking like a worm that is coming out of the end when pulled back. You can see the just jutting off said skin in first and second pic. I don't know how I'll know if its a rabbit savvy vet. I asked for one when making the appointment but she just said I can get you in at 10 to 8 or tomorrow morning. Hardly reassuring me she thought it was urgent :roll:

I really don't think its a bite, its not her nature to bite him. She has always submitted and ran away but then again I'm not there 24/7. I am such a mess already.

Does anyone know of rabbit savvy vets in Doncaster or nearby?
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I don't know what it could be and I'm worrying so much these vets aren't going to know. I've already cried twice, I can't lose him :(
He's eating and toddling about, been his usually sleepy self throughout the day. I've checked again and no mucus stuff but its still bloody inside :/
I don't know what it could be and I'm worrying so much these vets aren't going to know. I've already cried twice, I can't lose him :(

If he is eating and acting normally I can't imagine it is anything too serious so try not to worry. TBH from the pic I can't see anything that bad :? If they are newly bonded maybe he has been a little amorous when you weren't looking?
I was on my own when I took the pic, when I've pulled it back before theres never been any blood, whereas it seems its coming from inside the willy.

He hasn't wee'd or poo'd for the last 6 hours. Hes eaten cecaels though. :S I've been waiting to get a sample to take with me so have emptied litter trays in order to be able to collect but nothing :/ maybe a uti? Or sludge? How would they test for these things, just a urinary sample?
Hes just weed and a couple of poos! It might have a bit of hay in it so I'm wondering if he'll say its contaminated when we take it. Its currently in a korma jar in the fridge :lol:
Sorry I've only just sat down, there had been a few emergencies so we didn't get seen until almost quarter to 9. She tested his wee and said the white blood cell count was normal, calcium levels weren't anything out of the ordinary results etc.

When she had a proper look at the area it was inflamed so not sure if it had bled this morning or if it was just inflamed. So he has an inflamed penis. She gave him an injection but I'm not sure what she called it. She said it was an anti inflammatory and that it could effect his gut. Me and OH think the name had an x in it?

I then asked whether he needed any metacam for pain relief and she said that that was what that was in the injection. So I've been told to keep an eye on it and to go back if theres no improvement.
Good, good. I'm sure he will be back to normal in no time. Perhaps he has been a bit over enthusiastic with humping whilst you've taken your eyes off them? :lol:
I have no idea! I've never seen it like that. In the first 48 hours of bonding and then being together I never once saw him humping her at all, I assumed he just never did it but I don't know what goes on in the night :lol: then again I don't know how else it would become inflamed as they're inside... strange. This will probably happen again though won't it if hes an amorous little man :?
Right on cue Marleys just been humping her behind the chair!

How do we... minimise it so he gets better and she doesn't look terrified anymore :lol: