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Furby and Faye


Wise Old Thumper
Furby has now fully recovered from his dental and is nomming as usual. He and his wife, Faye, have a very close bond. Furby is deaf and Faye is his ears:love:


And Faye makes a wonderful pillow. Furby and Faye snuggle like this all the time - so cute.

Thank you all.

Furby was one of the Lymington buns and Faye was one of the BARC 'Babes in the Wood' buns. I asked Angie from BARC who she had up for adoption who would make Furby a good wife and she chose Faye. She couldn't have picked better. Furby and Faye were the easiest bond I have ever done - instant love:love::love:

The nurses at my vets often comment on how close Furby and Faye are as they are never separated - Furby even accompanied Faye when she was spayed. When the locum vet recently suggested I separate them to monitor Furby's input and output I just knew it would be a mistake - and I think I was correct.