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want to see mabel and sox from today

mini lop1

Wise Old Thumper






Ahhh I just want to bury my nose in their fluffy fur :love::love::love::love: A joy to see after seeing disturbing pictures of so called "healthy" bun kept in hamster cage....I'm so glad that our buns are all loved and cherished and wish all buns could have such loving owners.
Ahhh I just want to bury my nose in their fluffy fur :love::love::love::love: A joy to see after seeing disturbing pictures of so called "healthy" bun kept in hamster cage....I'm so glad that our buns are all loved and cherished and wish all buns could have such loving owners.

:lol: Mabel...what a little snuggle dumpling! :love: But she always looks so serious! :|
Meanwhile, Mr. Sox is all....FWEEEEEEEEE! :lol:
:lol: Mabel...what a little snuggle dumpling! :love: But she always looks so serious! :|
Meanwhile, Mr. Sox is all....FWEEEEEEEEE! :lol:

she s none to please right now furminated her and she got bald spot then had new vaccination and the bald spot seems to have got bigger, and where i didn;t furmnate her enough as didn;t want to bald her even more down her back looks lke a mohecan hairdo :shock::oops: