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Baby binkies with Benny and Ned


Wise Old Thumper
We have finally given the babies their names, Ned is the agouti, thank you Emma (Hurricanhoney) and Benny is the grey baby, thank you Sue (Susiebunbun) for the suggestions

They were out in the kitchen earlier and I managed to get a short video of them binkying, please watch at around 1.40

:cry::cry::cry: with happiness!! Wow Ned is AMAZINGLY fast on his 3 little legs!! And sweet Benny is doing so much better than yesterday, bless him. They're coming along really well now :love::love::love: I was also wondering if you had chosen names :D:D I had a dear little lad also called Benny, he too was grey and was a delicate little soul - so really touched he shares the same name :love::love: Thanks for sharing that wonderful little film xx
Wow - what amazing little buns :love::love::love:

They look so happy despite being dealt a bad hand early on life - they must feel really comfortable and safe with you :love::love:
I was just browsing and had to log in to post! they are SO beautiful......and cute...their little characters obviously coming out and they are doing so very well with you! A true angel!:love::love::love::love:
Thank you everyone, they seem to be doing quite well, Benny is quite a bit slower but considering he hasn't got front legs I think he does very well
Watching these two little boys so full of life and not letting anything get in the way of living it to the fullest brings to mind the last two lines in the Guy Clark song 'The Cape' .

"He did not know he could not fly
So he did."


:love::love::love::love: I thought that....perhaps Benny will adjust just fine....hopefully it ownt cause too many other issues that makes life abit hard....I think they are absolute sweeties....So cute how excited and playful they are! aaah just so cute!:love::love::love: