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everybody say awwww

mini lop1

Wise Old Thumper
its sox and mabels

Aww sooooo cute! Is that parrot toys hanging down in the background? That's exactly the kind of thing I wanted to get for my bunsters - do they chew the rope at all?xx
Aww sooooo cute! Is that parrot toys hanging down in the background? That's exactly the kind of thing I wanted to get for my bunsters - do they chew the rope at all?xx

yes parrot toys, they chewed the wood but not the rope they just headbut the rope :lol:
Awwwwwww they look so grumpy and cute :3

:lol: my nan said that, she said they look miserable are they waiting for their tea, they where waiting for their supper :lol:

if we get the nice weather forcast to be on thursday mght let them have a few mintues outside, not too long though as sox not used to it, and the grass