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two seizures in a row just now.


Warren Veteran
just now bertie was on the settee with nikki..and merlin got up to cuddle him..he attacked merlin...then settled for a hug with nikki. Then melrin wwas washing his eyes and under his ear and he turned to bite merlin then suddenly had a seizure..it was longer than his first one bout the same as the last one he had....then without coming out of his seizure properly..he went into another one:cry:

poor boy....i should have listened to him this morning.....he wanted loads of hugs and cuddles and didnt want to be alone. Then i thought hed gone to sleep..and i spent the best part of the day and early evening de haying my room from my muims buns last stay. i moved everything to sweep up hay n mess shed made with a rubber broom..good on carpets! then hoovered...then put stuff back then did the next bit and so on. All i had to do was change the bedding and bring up my pillows and stuff.

when i got out of the shower and went into the lounge..he was very quiet...only three poops and he wouldnt eat...hadnt eaten.....

so i gave him zantac syrup...metaclop syrup....infacol and metacam.
he took them so well behaved......:(

hes gone off to be on his own in the cool on the flooring by the sliding doors....:(bluebells taken refuge in his dog bed:(

thinking back to this morning..i noticed hed got wee dripping under his tail..knickers and thought..oh oh..panacur time again:(

bif his bridge wifey was positive 10% for EC....we treated all of the buns then with panacur..for 4 weeks each.

bertie only started having seizures last year..this is his fourth well fifth too.
He was a bit wobbly on his legs but oftne he is when he wakes up from a long sleep.

im guessing he has EC but cannot eradicate it but maybe it can be controlled by regular courses of panacur?

am ringing the rabbit savvy vets in emsworth in the morning.

im not sleeping upstairs tonight thats for sure:( poor bertie...need to be near him.
I think you need to discuss his case with his vet Debbie - a 28 day course of Panacur and some daily NSAID's may bring any susepcted EC under control atleast. Is he able to have NSAID's or does he have renal/liver issues?
Middle ear infections can also manifest as seizures as can other lesions - perhaps some more investigations are needed? Sorry Bertie is feeling so poorly again, it's one thing after another with your poor boy isn't it. No wonder he is feeling aggressive to Merlin if he's not feeling himself.

Lots and lots of luck with the vets and I hope it is something you can treat xx
Sending Bertie gentle nose rubs from his Auntie Karen.

Hope the vet can help, Debbie.

Thinking of you. And do let me know if I can help at all xxxx
One of our EC buns had seizures a lot - we have brought them under control with Lapizole/Panacur - but every time we take him back off the Panacur at the end of the 28 days after a couple of weeks he gets seizures again - The vets say that it can't be that quick but it is - and then we out him back on Panacur and within 2-3 days they have stopped again.
Sorry for this if it sounds like a stupid question but what would a fit look like? :cry:Is it when the rabbit suddenly rolls on the ground kicking with his back legs looking like he is going round in circles his back or side? :shock:
thank you all....karen hed send a cuddle if he could:lol:

mm vicky i think thats a sound idea BUT i dont want him to go under a GA in case he doesnt come back and if he does..the tests could prove nothing..like my fits....idiopathic.

tonight at 11.34pm he had yet another fit......:(......he was laying on his side and began to wash his thigh with his head turned..i knew one was coming by his moods today..guess it takes one to know one. Anyway he rolled onto his side...head throwing back..eyes rolled back..feet paddling like crazy and body twitching like mad..another huge twitch and he rolled onto his back and carried on fitting. i got on the ground and he jumped up but no one was home in his head...the usual washing like mad but not being aware of anything.

he washed me when i was giving him a little cuddle on the floor.

hes on panacur...i think i may try a 6 week course....i think hes now going to have to try epilepsy meds to try and stop the seizures as much as possible.

i havent restarted his baytril though..i wanted to give him a rest after the stress of the vets. so i will begin the latest course in the morning and give him some metacam too. panacur at night after his evening dose of baytril.

poor bertie.......:(
thank you all....karen hed send a cuddle if he could:lol:

mm vicky i think thats a sound idea BUT i dont want him to go under a GA in case he doesnt come back and if he does..the tests could prove nothing..like my fits....idiopathic.

tonight at 11.34pm he had yet another fit......:(......he was laying on his side and began to wash his thigh with his head turned..i knew one was coming by his moods today..guess it takes one to know one. Anyway he rolled onto his side...head throwing back..eyes rolled back..feet paddling like crazy and body twitching like mad..another huge twitch and he rolled onto his back and carried on fitting. i got on the ground and he jumped up but no one was home in his head...the usual washing like mad but not being aware of anything.

he washed me when i was giving him a little cuddle on the floor.

hes on panacur...i think i may try a 6 week course....i think hes now going to have to try epilepsy meds to try and stop the seizures as much as possible.

i havent restarted his baytril though..i wanted to give him a rest after the stress of the vets. so i will begin the latest course in the morning and give him some metacam too. panacur at night after his evening dose of baytril.

poor bertie.......:(

Bindi started getting seizures after have EC too over the summer, unfortunately panacur/lapizole didn't stop her seizures when she was on it. She has now been put on epilepsy meds (and has been for about 6 months maybe) and she's a lot lot better. We've only seen a few since it got settled and we got the dosage right for her, though that may also be down to the cold weather (she can't deal with the hot weather we had over the summer). So they might work for Bertie too.
It's not nice watching them when there is nothing you can really do to help is it? I have a video of one of Bindi's worst from over the summer which is what we showed the vets so they could see properly what we were talking about.