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Found my rabbit beheaded


Warren Scout
I'm so upset. I went to feed my bunny this morning and found him out of his enclosure beheaded and his entrails separate.

He was a beautiful boy.....7 years old.

Just needed to tell someone who'd understand how I feel.

I'm very sorry for your loss :(

Was he secure in a hutch last night? I would assume a fox :(

RIP Bunny.
If you feel up to it, perhaps you could post a tribute thread to your bunny in 'Rainbow Bridge' section.

Poor Bunster.
Oh lord that's awful, sorry for your loss. It could have been the ferrets so i'd enquire with your neighbours as foxes usually like to take their prey away to eat it (I think...).
I'm so sorry. I've had this happen too (head one end of the neighbours garden and the body the other end).

It was a fox who was disturbed. It's sickening and distressing and i sooo hope you are ok.

OMG, how shockingly awful, so sorry x

It's always so hard finding buns haved passed away but can't imagine how awful when another animal has been the cause.
I am so very sorry.
What an awful thing to have happened.
Perhaps put a mention of him, with a tribute in Rainbow Bridge??
I dont know what to say to you.
God Bless.xxxxx
I am very very sorry :cry:

We lost all our rabbits in one night in this way when I was a child and it was a very distressing thing to happen. I suspect a fox i'm afraid. I am so sorry for your loss :cry: