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Rabbit occasionally passing blood - anyone had any experience?


Wise Old Thumper
For anyone who doesnt know, my Inca has her fair share of problems, she is deformed at her back end (no tail), underneath and feet, had EC this year, disc problems in her back.....so goodness knows whats going on inside.

As usual i am taking her to the vets, but just wanted to question folk on here for any experience / ideas prior to going.

Last week she was bleeding a wee bit from below. As she is deformed down there she sometimes bites at it if she gets sore, so i thought it was this, cleaned her up and put on cream.

But then she was bleeding on two other days, so i am now thinking that she might be passing blood. It only happens for a short while, then she is fine again, and it is only a small amount of blood.

It does not seem to be bothering her at all. She is eating / drinking / pooing / peeing exactly as normal.

Thanks in advance for any ideas

Kirsty & Inca x (& Herbie, but he is not a factor here :))
HI hun :wave:
No suggestions really just didnt want to ignore! Poor Inca I had no idea she had so many problems :shock::( Has she ever had a UTI or kidney infection before? I know when I had that I passed abit of blood.
I hope your vet can get to the bottom of it :? Atleast the fact that shes eating, pooing and well in herself is a good sign, so stay positive :)
Vibes for Inca xxxxxx
Sorry no experience in this with buns, however wen my cat passed a bit of blood all the vet said was no to worry. Good luck at the vets
Yeah, she has had a UTI before, and i was worried about the kidney part as she was on a lot of meds when she had EC (Steroids (with abx), then Metacam). Just hoping that they have not done damage to my wee baby girl.
Yeah, she has had a UTI before, and i was worried about the kidney part as she was on a lot of meds when she had EC (Steroids (with abx), then Metacam). Just hoping that they have not done damage to my wee baby girl.

Eek, try not to worry just yet. She may just have a reoccurence if the UTI, the change in weather makes this time of year perfect for breeding infections.
Wheres Jane when we need her?*shouts* "JAAAAAAAANE!!!"
Nose rubs for ur lovely girl xxxx
i was only going to suggest kidney also, but have no idea about the realities of this in bunny anatomy i'm afraid.

Poor Inca :(