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Dukes new indoor setup


Mama Doe
For various reasons Duke has moved indoors and will be with us until Spring so he has taken over the house....



Planning to sort him out a platform soon but we have spend in the region of £300 this month on him so he will have to wait a bit!

He now has a new indoor set up AND when he goes back out in the spring a brand new wendy house setup too! but piccies of that are on hubbys phone so cant post them yet.
oh he doesn't have quite as much paper on the floor now - he is totally litter trained and while at first it was fun to have him rip the paper to shreds the HOUR long clean up of his pen the other weekend wasn't quite so fun so he now has about half that amount!
Wish i could have a permanent setup like that! :shock:

That looks amazing - lucky Duke :)