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Mr Tumble getting bigger :D

Mr Tumble

Warren Scout
He is getting so much bulkier and sweet, gentle giant he is!
He actualy ikes being picked up, or well doesnt mind it as long as you kiss and cuddle him holding him which is good, not that i will be able to lift him once bigger!

Well i am clicker training him we have mastered going back into his cage (i have back problems) so this will come in use when he is to big for me to pick up.
And we have a hoop which he goes in and out of :)

He is around 13-14weeks old







He has helicopter ears one up one down lol

I think he thinks he is a cat now.. so i had two kittens here finding them a home for someone and today he has got on the sofa climbed to the top to sit in the window ledge, and just now lay across my laptop wouldnt come off, so then he walks off jumps on my coffeetable! lol