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Poppy- swollen vagina


Warren Scout
Poppy had flystrike a few weeks back poor little girl. We caught it early and she is recovering well and her wound is healing fab. But her vagina looks swollen, bigger than normal. Could this be 1) they shaved her so it looks bigger or 2) still sore from all the horridness from flystrike etc or 3) something worse. She last went to the vet last week for a check up and i pointed it out and he said to bathe her with warm water every few days. What does everyone reckon? I'll try and get a pic up
How is she acting??? How are her eyes??????
It sounds kinda sinister....Can you get her to a vet??????
No she seems fine and happy in every other way. When I last took her to the vet- which it looked exactly the same he didn't seem to worried and that it was just a bit sore with all the flystrike stuff etc. Will try and upload a pic soon
Yes she is spayed and seems well in herself. No winching when i prod her around there. Here is a pic so you can see the size. She has a bit of dried poo left from her dirtybum when but she has been cleaned up pretty good by the vet. Just a few dried bits on her hair.
When did the vet last see her? Three weeks should have been long enough for the swelling to go down after the flystrike.

It doesn't look sore, just very swollen. Is her myxomatosis vaccination up to date?
Yes she is spayed and no kind of discharge or funny wee and no cuts etc. She was sore there from the fly strike and the vet said she just needs to heal. This was 5 days ago. She had enough antibiotics to last 2 weeks so they would have ran out saturday just gone. It looks better than it did last week but wasn't sure if it should take this long to go back to normal size.