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    Please keep in mind that posts on this forum are from members of the public sharing personal opinions. It is not a replacement for qualified medical advice from a veterinarian. Many illnesses share similar symptoms but require different treatments. A medical exam is necessary for an accurate diagnosis, without which appropriate treatment cannot be given.

    You should always consult your vet before following any suggestions for medication or treatment you have read about. The wrong treatment could make your rabbit worse or mean your vet is unable to give the correct treatment because of drug interactions. Even non prescription drugs can do harm if given inappropriately.

    We are very grateful to members who take time to answer other members questions, but please do be clear in your replies that you are sharing personal experience and not giving instructions on what must be done.

    Urgent Medical Advice: If you need, or think you might need, urgent medical advice you should contact a vet. If it is out of working hours phone your vet's normal number and there should be an answer phone message with instructions on what to do.

Problems with Septrim


Alpha Buck
Does anyone know whether or not this antibiotic can cause problems if given long term? Arwen has been on it for about 2 months now due to infected eye ducts which are not likely to go away completely. She is drinking twice as much as usual in the last week or two and I'm wondering if it could be causing her any liver damage.
Hiya, my rabbit was on it for a month for an abcess. Then my vet took him off it as he said that he didn't want him on it any longer than that or it would do more harm than good. I'm not sure what the harm was though, I didn't ask as he was being taken off it! :oops: Sorry I can't be of more help other than to say the advice I was given was it shouldn't be given long term.
Septrin-- longterm effects? Info anyone?

For past 2 months our Bandit has been on Septrin twice a day and Fucithalmic eye drops once a day to prevent eye infection or keep it at bay, as he has corneal ulcers which are not healing. (Also on Metacam.) He is 9 and quite frail. I'm about to request more Septrin.
The eye specialist at the vet surgery said something to the effect of 'giving him a nice summer... ' and obviously views his current treatment as palliative.
Hope you get some more advice--
Does anyone else know about safety of longterm dosing with Septrin?

Discussed this only the other day and my vet sems to think that prolonged time on this drug could cause liver problems.:shock:

So it's not a drug I'd be happy with in prolonged use.
Septrin is one of the safer antibiotics with respect to rabbit the GI system. However, like any drug it can have unwanted effects or allergy-type reactions. It shouldn't be used in animals with existing kidney or liver problems as it can exacerbate these, or in dehydrated animals as this risks overloading the kidneys. In dogs it has caused an unusual reaction where it leads to failure of tear production but this hasn't been reported in rabbits.
I use it frequently and haven't had any concerns but rarely use it long-term as I am not a fan of long-term antibiotics and those cases that need permanent/long-term antibiotics often are elderly and have many underlying problems (including liver/kidney disease) that this antibiotic wouldn't be suitable for.
Septrin is one of the safer antibiotics with respect to rabbit the GI system. However, like any drug it can have unwanted effects or allergy-type reactions. It shouldn't be used in animals with existing kidney or liver problems as it can exacerbate these, or in dehydrated animals as this risks overloading the kidneys. In dogs it has caused an unusual reaction where it leads to failure of tear production but this hasn't been reported in rabbits.
I use it frequently and haven't had any concerns but rarely use it long-term as I am not a fan of long-term antibiotics and those cases that need permanent/long-term antibiotics often are elderly and have many underlying problems (including liver/kidney disease) that this antibiotic wouldn't be suitable for.

We are so lucky to have a few Vets on here !!

Thank you :wave:
Septrin advice

Thank you Marie for the advice re Septrin use and longterm effects on frail and elderly bunnies. I will discuss with the vet and maybe Bandit will be OK to come off it now. This forum has been a lifeline with all the excellent posts. I've learned so much reading and searching topics. Thank you all . Shebunkin, for Bandit, Rose and Bruce Lee
For Arwen's eye duct infection she is getting 1.7ml twice a day. She is about 2.2kilos in weight. I have discussed long term use of septrin with my very good exotics vets - he feels it is safe to use long term particularly as Arwen has a chronic condition which would almost certainly return without it so there is not a lot of alternatives. He says his only experience of problems with it involved a blocked urethera (?) probably caused by its use.