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my bugs ( yes thats his name!!) is allergic to pets at home hay!!!!!


Warren Scout
:D i have noticed that when i put it in the hutch he starts sneezing at it all the time. I have taken him to the vets and he is o.k. BUt i noticed tonight that his nose is streaming and he is sneezing all the time. Mind you my other rabbir "breeze" decided to pull the blanket over the hutch and trap bugs in there so he was inhaling all the hay!!!

I have now taken them both out to have a run around the patio to get some fresh air into their lungs, cleaned out the hutch and covered the bottom of it newspaper and timothy hay- it used up a whole bag!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you think farm hay will be o.k??? or will that have too many spores in it???? He seemed fine with farm hay before but it has been recently since i have put pets at home in that he has been sneezing.

Pets at Home hay is rubbish tbh !!
Its more like sweepings from the barn floor. I am sure some good quality hay purchased direct from a farm will be much better :)
Pets at Home hay is rubbish tbh !!
Its more like sweepings from the barn floor. I am sure some good quality hay purchased direct from a farm will be much better :)

thats o.k then. i will pop and get some as we didnt have time over the weekend to go to a farm, as the kids are ill. Thats a job for tomoro then.
aw bless! My buns sneeze when im putting the hay in lmao. but then they do insist on sitting in the litter tray while im trying to put it in :roll: