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Mama Doe
Fudge hasnt had fresh herbs in a few months and i would like to introduce them again along with some new herbs! Since its been awhile since shes had them do i have to introduce gradually again?

Also since herbs (dried and fresh) are the only thing she will eat that gives her fibre how much dried and fresh herbs can she have daily?

Just now she gets a handful of dried plantain, a handful of dried coltsfoot, a handful of dried dandelion and a handful of mixed herbs daily is this too much?

And she used to get a small bunch of basil and a small bunch of mint daily could i give her 2 or more different herbs along with the mint and basil daily when she is used to them all again?

Thanks for any help :wave::wave:
I would introduce them gradually just to be on the safe side. Mine love parsley and basil and usually have it a few times a week.
matt has parsley, basil, thyme and coriander

bisc has basil, thyme and coriander

i feed the dried herbs aswell as bisc is limited what he can have veg wise so i would like to know how much is ok aswell.