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Once bonded - territory question


Mama Doe
I have a neutered male rabbit and want to get a female but Smudge has the run of the whole garden AND he lives in a 4'x4' playhouse in a 9'x12' run. Once he has been bonded will he accept the new rabbit and let her in the playhouse/run/areas of the garden etc etc?
Once your Smudge has a partner they will need to be kept in a smallish area, like just the playhouse. But before you can put them in there you have to neutralise it all by way of bleach diltuted or white vinegar so it smell nice and new, and not exclusively of Smudge. Same goes for his run. If you don't rush things with too much space too soon each step will be easier as he would think his wife has always been there.

But with the garden I'm not so sure, I should think a huge rain storm would wash away much of the smell and we are good at them in this country. :lol:
once the buns have bonded, decided on hierarchy and youve cleaned and neutralised the living area the garden shouldnt be a problem,just keep a close eye on them when you first let them out.As has been said before -dont rush things,better to take your time and get there smoothly.
I will be getting the wife bun from a rescue and they will be bonding them - I assumed then they could be together and I didn't need to cterilise everything! It's going to take forever to do that then!! The run is on slabs and is an aviary style - so I'm guessing I don't need to do that.
I'd neutralise everything that Smudge has come into contact with INCLUDING the run and slabs. Use a bleach solution to wash down all the wood and mesh, and scrub the slabs. This is essential as if he comes home realises it is his place he'd turn on his new wife. Rabbits are simple things you just need to covince him she has always been with him. And his home is completely new to them both.
He'll be more protective of his bed/shed than open space like the rest of the garden.

Bringing a female into a males territory is the easier way around. Boys are more inclined to let a girl in their space than the reverse :)