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Bleeding inthe mouth. Vet says no obvious teeth spurs


New Kit
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Pickles in 19 months old. She is a house rabbit and is out all the time someone is home, which is most of the time. Last night I noticed when I put her to bed she did not go to her food bowl. This is very unusual for her. I then noticed that she was making a chewing action with her mouth. Not tooth grinding but a chew like she was eating something. I took her out and checked her over. Found she had been dribbling a lot under her chin was very wet. Went down the vets first thing this morning. They had a good look in her mouth and told me there was some blood in there. The vet had a really good check and could not find any thing wrong with her teeth and there are no spurs in there. All a bit of a puzzle. She was given a pain killer by injection and I have some science recovery to try and force down her. The vet has said that if there is no improvement by Friday she will take her in, knock her out and have a good look. The worry I have is that she seems to have gotten worse during the day. She is just sitting in the same spot and not really moving. Have been struggling to get anything down her, she is now expert at spitting it out. The vet said that she may have banged her self on something. I am really worried. She has been washing herself today.

Has any one ever had this type of thing with their bunny before? I am thinking that perhaps I should get her back down the vets in the morning but really not sure. My vet is really good and I trust her totally but am really worried about her. Any and all advice please.
I would definately take her back to your Vet first thing in the morning.
It is not really possible to get a complete view of all the teeth in a conscious Rabbit, even when using an otoscope. So there may be a sharp tooth, not necessarily a spur, that has caused soft tissue damage that has now ulcerated and causing pain.

Your Bun will clearly require more analgesia tomorrow anyway.

Good luck