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Roxy & Angelica's new pad!


Alpha Buck
At long last, a chance to post pics!


This is the bubble wrap and boarding


Boarding up is finished, and the storage unit in to see how it fits!


Frame ready for the window to be cut


The window is in, a nice louvre window, solves a lot of potential problems!


Lino has been laid, bed area inserted, everything is in ready to go, just need the buns to go in now!

And my god, what a job that was!


checked on the girls first thing this morning, and they seemed ok!

Would you put a front on the bedding area? I don't know whether they would like it to be enclosed more?

I am going to put a ramp up for the bedding area so they can climb up and sit up on top, and I am adding a decking area sometime this week, and will make it an enclosed area so it will double up as a run area. They do get free roam on the lawn aswell.

Any tips on how I could improve it will be greatfully received!
At the moment, during the day, when I cannot be outside with them, I have one door open, with a mesh barrier so they can't get out, but they can see out.
Looks great! I'm sure they'll love it.

I probably would enclose the bedding area a little just so they have somewhere to hide if they want to.