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snowball grooms me

Lola licks me to death - even when I am stood washing up she licks my ankles - its lovely but tickles!!!
hes the most amazin bunny in the world... so soppy, loving, cuddley... and silly... he likes to climb, in n out of my bath, onto my toilet... on my bum... on my partners face and anywhere else thats not easy to climb on but he insists on doin lol.... hes also the only boy i know that gets excited by brocilli lol... bless my baby boy!!!
do u know how i got snowball groomin me... by mimicing groomin him... by gentley pullin on his furr with my too fingers... like fast pinchin type thing... and he loves it cos obviously its attention and it feels like hes bein groomed and then he started doin it back