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    You should always consult your vet before following any suggestions for medication or treatment you have read about. The wrong treatment could make your rabbit worse or mean your vet is unable to give the correct treatment because of drug interactions. Even non prescription drugs can do harm if given inappropriately.

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lola's post mortem


Alpha Buck
hello everybody.it has been just over 2 very painful weeks since i lost my beautiful girlie lola-i miss her so much.i gave my consent to a p.m in the hope it may help another bunny in the future.frances rang me after she had 'examined' lola to say that she found her intestines covered in white spots.we are still awaiting the lab results but she felt it was one of two things,a)cancer of the white blood cells or b)an infection which she said would usually be seen in guinea pigs.i asked france's colleague whether bob and moo(my 2 remaining bunnies) are at risk,even tho i disinfected everything as best as possible,but she did not feel we had some outbreak on our hands,just possibly that if it was the infection then poor little lola's body just couldn't fight it as others normally would have.also my guinea pig,sir gilbert,lives in his own cage,in the same room and usually would come out under my supervision for play time.now though i am terrified he is carrying some killer disease and am too frightened to let him run about.does anyone have any ideas as to the infection mrs h-b thinks it may be?
I hope that you will get some answers as to what the bacteria was from the lab results. I would not like to take any guesses.

I am really sorry that your lost Lola :cry:
Its likley a bacterium called Yersinia pseudotuberculosis. This organism is very hard to culture but can cause the signs you mention. It is more commonly found in Guinea pigs
:cry: oh how awful..she looks like a smaller version of my willow who i lost in oct.

the thing is like our vet told us..all animals like humans have different immune sysem levels and ifferent ways of coping.........soulnds like lola just had a lowered system....:(

it may have been a combination of the two.if she was alrady cancerous and terminal without knowing then the infection would have ben the last straw. but either way you are still awaiting tests and i would ask the vets advice on your piggie but i thought its usually the other way round..buns can make piggies sick?:?

sorry for your loss hope you get osme answers soon.