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My cute bunny- but what is he?


New Kit

On the above link is several piccys of my gorgeous boy. He was sold to me as a female, dwarf lop-eared rabbit - which you can probably see he is definately not dwarf, the vet was pretty sure he wasn't female when he castrated him and his ears dont look very lop like to me.... He is black all over with grey undersides of his feet --soo sweet!!! If anyone knows what breed he actually is, post below =]

His name was Ebony before we found out he was male now he is called Eboneezer but I don't like that name much because it seems mean which he is not so he is just called Black Bunny or Devil Rabbit !! He is around a year old.

I didn't particularly want a large rabbit but he is so sweet and gentle with my dwarf lop that he lives with and we have plenty of space: a 9 foot by 6 foot run and a 6 foot by 4 foot indoor space plus a large hutch in there.
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Ohh he's gorgeous :love: What's his name?
Pet shops are invariably sloppy when it comes to selling animals. In future I'd reccomend you adopt a rescue rabbit. Rescues actually care about the creatures they re-home.
I think your boy is definatly a giant cross, maybe Flemish or conti.
he's a yummybunny that's what he is.

how old is he??
he looks like my Bells who is a conti giant :D

he doesn't look like he's got much dwarf lop in him!