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Bunny wont leave litter in her litter tray!!


New Kit
My dwarfc lop is obsessed with digging every last grain of litter out of her litter tray and on to the floor!!!!!!!!!! Does anyone have any ideas on how to stop her doing it? she normally does it at night while we are asleep so rarely catch her in the act.

Also, she is litter trained and will take herself out of the bedroom or living room back to her litter tray to go to the toilet, except when she gets into the kitchen or bathroom, in the kitchen she will wee on the floor and in the bathroom she will poo on the floor every chance she gets. i dont understand why????????

can anyone help?, my fella's threatening to put her in a pot!

Don't worry all rabbits go through this stage, is she spayed at all, as this can greatly increase litter habits.
My rabbit is trained but he refuses to use the litter tray! He knows exactly what it is and what to do because he used to use it properly, but then all of a sudden he stopped using it. (?)

He also has weird fazes of only going to the toilet outside or only inside, he swaps them over ocassionally.

Any advice for my rebel rabbit? :L