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For all fans of Cloud

Bavarian Bunny

Wise Old Thumper
I just got a new camera, so you will have to forgive me for posting lots of strange test photos. There are many buttons and some day I will know what they are good for.

Anyway, I tried to get some decent shots of Cloud, but it isn't easy, as he loves to escape from the run, or get his nose too close to the camera. :roll:

Getting groomed by Sunnie:


Then some exercising:






Some watching:



And back to some grooming:

What fantastic pics!
Wow, what are the measurements for that run?
Looks great! Where did you get it from?
Fabo pictures Gisela.

Will you bring your camera when you come to visit? I could do with some good piccies of our tribe.
What fantastic pics!
Wow, what are the measurements for that run?
Looks great! Where did you get it from?

The run is not in its full size at the moment, the maximum it can go to is about 14 foot by 4 foot, and it is a bit more than 2 ft tall. It is made from two of these:


They were on special offer, when I bought them, and they are back on offer again at the moment. Might be worth posting a thread about it in Rabbit Chat.
You can build the run in different lengths, and there are lots of little doors and hatches. It is a bit difficult to catch the bunnies in that run, if they are not cooperative. And it is better on grass, as it comes with pegs. But you could clip it together on concrete, as it is fairly heavy. I don't think bunnies could lift it.

Shipping is free. They get sent from Germany, but usually it is very quick, about 3 days or so.
I can't believe how much Cloud has grown! Seems like only yesterday, I remember him as a little bundle of fluff, in his dog crate after is op!:lol: Gorgeous piccies, I think both Cloud and Sunnie are just stunners:love::love: Love the 'looking' shots and the 'action ears' too.:lol: