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Hello from me and new foster bunny!


New Kit
Hi everyone :wave:

I have posted a few questions but didn't want to introduce myself until little Nugs had arrived!!! We just picked him up about 30 minutes ago!

Basically, my friend is moving out and needed a temporary home for her bunny so she asked if I would have him. He is a lovely little goldy/beigy lionhead about 6 months old I think. His name is Nugget! He seems very sweet tempered indeed as we just had a snuggle!!

He was a house bunny but de to lack of space at ours, he is living outside :( so I hope he will be OK. I have put plenty of hay in, a teddy to cuddle up to and tomorrow I will go to Poundstretcher to see about a blanket (as I saw someone else had written that was a good place for them).

I have only had one rabbit (REW) before but she died quite soon after I got her and as I was quite young, I don't remember too much about her so as you have probably already guessed, I will need a lot of advice while Nugs is with us!!!!

My friend isn't sure if she can have him back so unfortunately I may be looking for a new home for him at some point :( However, another of my friends is quite keen to have a rabbit so hopefully that will work out.

I have put him in his new hutch and will try to get some pics when he has settled in a bit.

Nice to meet you all!
Hiya :)

Nice to meet you too - congrats on becoming a fosterbun mum :)

Hope you enjoy it here, there's loadsa helpful peeps on here x
Hiya :wave: Welcome to RU! Another foster mummy YaY! Theres lots of friendly people on here, questions are always answered :) Good luck with Nugs! Hope theres some piccys on the way :D