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Rabbits put out for the dustbin men!!!


Warren Scout
chap rang this morning, his brother in law is a dustbin man, he was collecting rubbish yesterday and picked up a box to put in lorry, it moved, opened it and guess what, yep two rabbits!!! there was a note attached saying they could not look after the rabbits anymore and this was there best chance of getting a new home. what a :censored:!

anyway the chap is bring them here this afternoon, i have just got a funny feeling that at least one is going to be pregnant or they are going to be in poor condition. why cant people take to a rescue, vets, rspca, even pets at home instead of dumping on a street
The poor buns.
I think people do this type of thing because they can not face others and admit they can not cope.
And then there are the just plain evil ones who shouldn't be allowed near animals.
OMG :censored: :censored:'s. Why are people such :censored:'s. Honestly.... what is wrong with them. Would they do the same with a child????? Seriously these people need to pay for what they have done. Let us know how you get on? x
Their IS NOTHING left that people can do that would suprise me anymore. I doubt it's even ignorance, just bone bloody idleness :evil::evil::evil:

Thank heavens the chap who found them knew what to do.
GRRRRRRR, it really annoys me that people are too bloody lazy to take the animals to a rescue. Poor wee things, lucky the guy found them.
Good on you for taking them.
We had one of the local refuge collectors turn up at the store with a mouse. They were collecting the rubbish and there was a rectangular shaped wrapped item sitting by the rubbish. They opened it up and it was a decent sized cage with a little mouse in it. Next to the parcel was a bag with woodshavings and food.

What if the guys hadn't had a look? The little mouse would have been squished :(

One of our girls took him home and although he only lived for another 6 months, he had a good life with her.

As has been said, take them somewhere safe where they will DEFINITELY be found!!
Oh my god :evil: luckily they moved!! poor little things, that is awful, some people really grind my gears :censored:
We had one of the local refuge collectors turn up at the store with a mouse. They were collecting the rubbish and there was a rectangular shaped wrapped item sitting by the rubbish. They opened it up and it was a decent sized cage with a little mouse in it. Next to the parcel was a bag with woodshavings and food.

What if the guys hadn't had a look? The little mouse would have been squished :(

One of our girls took him home and although he only lived for another 6 months, he had a good life with her.

As has been said, take them somewhere safe where they will DEFINITELY be found!!

Some people are such ignorant:censored: what if they didnt want to admit to the outside world that they couldnt care for the kids? What would they do then? Dump them in the box and throw them into the local dump?! People are so sickening these days. Horrendous :censored:
Some people are such ignorant:censored: what if they didnt want to admit to the outside world that they couldnt care for the kids? What would they do then? Dump them in the box and throw them into the local dump?! People are so sickening these days. Horrendous :censored:

Some people don't care whether it is an animal or a child.
Look at that woman last week!!!
She didnt' want her kids so starved them. Her poor little girl, 7 yrs old, died.
The mother said she was punishing her for wanting to see her Father.

It just seems no-one cares anymore.
It breaks my heart knowing what humans can do.I'm just so glad there are decent people about who care and try to do all they can.Hope the wee rabbits are alright and the wee mouse found elsewhere.I cry inside but get so angry........:cry::censored: All the best x
OMG :censored: :censored:'s. Why are people such :censored:'s. Honestly.... what is wrong with them. Would they do the same with a child????? Seriously these people need to pay for what they have done. Let us know how you get on? x

Someone already has. Look at the elderly couple who paid to have IVF in India & then dumped their twin babies because they were girls. That couple should be forcibly sterilised before being sent to jail