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Rabbits put out for the dustbin men!!!

My friend is a vet nurse and they always find dumped aniimals on their doorstep. However one person really put the boat out. At the back of the vets (found again by binmen) was a bunny stuffed into a tiny box. Poor thing was filthy, starved, covered in fleas and had myxo. The vet put the poor thing to sleep.
It was obviously just put at the bin to die there. If they hadve wanted any treatment for the poor mite they would have at least left it at the door.
I'm a vet nurse and you wouldn't believe the stories speople come up with .
I found in a pet carrier at the back of the practice by the bins with a young cat in, you would think they would have atleast left it on the front door steps.
Their IS NOTHING left that people can do that would suprise me anymore. I doubt it's even ignorance, just bone bloody idleness :evil::evil::evil:

Thank heavens the chap who found them knew what to do.

I have to agree with everything Sooz has said. Poor babies. :(:( Hope they are ok and find a home soon.
Someone already has. Look at the elderly couple who paid to have IVF in India & then dumped their twin babies because they were girls. That couple should be forcibly sterilised before being sent to jail

Actually if you look into it further than what's been said on the radio etc, all the reports quote "alledgedly" "it was reported", "according to", "was quoted as saying" etc. so it's a bit unfair to go on the very little "facts" surrounding this story