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This is Dylan


Mama Doe
A woman at work has asked me to look after him. A neighbour of hers went through the normal, brought a rabbit from a pet shop found out it was pregnant.

I am not sure what to do with him really. I could keep him seeing as I no longer have any buns.

He is 8 weeks old and I think he will become quite large. He is apparently a Lion head cross but cross with what I don't know. Possibly English as he has the back bar. He is so hyperactive, chewing everything and dashing everywhere. The photo is the best shot I could get of him still!

Anyway here he is:

Its amazing actually that once people know your 'into' rabbits you get all sorts of people trying to off load their buns or get advice.

I took him because the woman was desperate and mentioning letting him run wild and free! :shock: :roll:

He is incrediably sweet and I liked his name. I took he for a vet check and he is all fine. He has been madly dashing around the living room, up and down the stairs, binkying everywhere. I still feel raw after Arthur and a bit scared to be honest :oops: this little chap is so sweet though and licked me earlier, he's only been here a few hours.
Oh Kay, Dylan is gorgeous.

Methinks he may have found himself a home with you.

Vanessa xx
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OMG !!

He is absolutely gorgeous!!

Good thing he didnt come here or he would definately be a permanant resident!! Mum still can't adjust to the amount of animals i have here!!
He might very well end up staying here :oops: :lol: he is so sweet and mad. Here's some more photos :love:

Dashing downstairs

Oh whats under here?

Checking out the window sill

Stopping for a brief breath

Its really nice having an up-eared bunny too.
:lol: its nice that he has a fan club already. I forgot how much energy they have at this age :lol:
Dylan had a very good sleep last night and this morning he went into the garden. Its the first time he has ever been on grass.



Ohh its a bit of a struggle being so small......


He's a keeper :love: