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Concrete and Carpet for rexes!! Bad???


Warren Veteran
If you saw my other thread, I have had to put my girl's run on concrete because the grass stays frozen all day. I know that concrete is bad for rexes, and we have put some carpet in to soften it a bit. Is there anything else I can do? Where can I get rubber mats from?
Wilkinsons sell rolls of vinyl carpet protector for £2.99 a roll or sheets of blue tarpaulin.

Just make sure they cannot reach the edges to chew it. You may have to tape a couple of rolls together.
I find my Rexes dont do well on carpet :? It is abrassive and tends to take the fur off their hocks

You can buy rubber stable matting which some folk have said is good to use for Buns prone to sore hocks.

Thanks. Just worked out that one mat which equals £29 is only 3ftx3ft. I would need about four to fill up the space of the run, meaning it would cost about £100.

Have just found out that the Wilkinsons one is really good. It's 5ftx2ft, which means I have to buy 3, which only brings the total to £9. Bargain!!! thanks Sooz22.
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