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New bunny starting fights :(


New Kit
Ok so let me start at the beginning, I wanted a rabbit for when we moved house back in May, its a nice house, but due to me being ill I got lonely in the day, till my boyfriend got home.
So I was at my friends house and the subject of me wanting a rabbit came up, she mentioned that her daughter had grown out of her rabbit and was more interested in boys and make-up. I jumped at the chance and said I would have her.
At the time Ruby was 5 months old, months passed and its seemed like Ruby was getting lonely, so we travelled to the local petshop and noticed a Netherland dwarf, grey and white, my boyfriend noticed her colours and so we bought her. Naming her Leela. We intoduced them, they played and 'vegged out' together, No fighting no nothing. Great!
The next day we had to go to the petshop,because I had forgot something, damn my simple mind! and my boyfriend asked if we could see what other female rabbits they had, out they came (I swear he did it on purpose to guilt trip me into getting another one) all cute looking then, we noticed that Leela's old roomie was still there, a cute albino, we bought her and named her Bambi. They all got on great!
Then Ruby started mounting everything, so we booked an appointment to the vets, we found out Ruby was a boy :oops: I wasnt shocked at all for some reason.... But anyway he got the fix.
Now here's the weird part, we went back to the petshop a couple of weeks ago and there was a cute rabbit in the adoption part, who I fell in love with, his name was Harley and he is 14months old, he hadnt been fixed yet which was no problem, I was booking him in two weeks. Anywho its around 4 days after the adoption now, I introduced Ruby to Harley as a "Hello there" meeting. It was wonderful they played, they binkyed and flopped together, even snuggled up together and groomed each other :lol:.
Yesturday came and it was playtime, it started out innocent then turned funny, they circled each other, then a scuffle broke out, no injuries at all, but just fur everywhere, it was quite upsetting :cry:.
I have looked on the internet which suggest's putting there cages next to each other (which I have done), if they fight again spray them with water while shouting No!, seperating them if a scuffle breaks out shouting No!, Showing them their favourite treats etc.
Another weird part we now think Harley is a girl......:lol: (which doesnt both me)

I was just wondering Will they ever get passed this stage of fighting?
Is it possible that males and females dont get on?
How come Leela and Bambi get on with both of them, but they dont get on with each other?
How long does it normally take, if possible to bond two rabbits like these two?
If you are lucky - this is just typical hormonal behaviour. Un-neutered boy buns will start to fight as their hormones hit which can happen anytime from 12 weeks up. They may have a serious fight & one end up seriously - or even fatally injured.

If you are unsure of sexes DO NOT put the buns together again until the boys have been neutered for at least 6 weeks - or the girls are all spayed. It only takes a second for the female(s) to get pregnant. They carry their young for 28-32 (although up to 35) days, so if you have let buns together in that space of time, they may be pregnant. They can also get pregnant again immediately after giving birth - & as mum should stay with her babies until they are 8 weeks old - you can imagine how exhausted she would be after having 2 litters so close together.

You could seriously end up with a LOT of rabbits here. Neutering & spaying is costly, so it might not be a good idea to get anymore until you are sure yours aren't pregnant.

A vet can sex them for you - or there's instructions on here.

If you separate buns & only allow them to play together - each time they meet they will have to re-establish authority. This will lead to chasing/fur-pulling & humping - even between 2 females, 2 males or a male/female pair. If they are un-neutered it will generally allow to fights or pregnancy.

If you get all your buns neutered/spayed, you may be able to bond them into a group - but this needs doing on neutral territory