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My husband found that Earl had passed away last night whilst giving him and Sun their supper. We got no warning it was coming. He was out hopping about and lively that morning. My last moments with him were spent in our yard, which he loved, where he sat and let me groom him for about half an hour, then did a mad rush of binkies

This has been a terrible shock for us both which were still coming to terms with. He was only young, but we knew he had a digestive disorder and this is most likely why he passed. He was in his bed, lying in a comfortable position, so i pray to God he went to the bridge without any pain:(

In his final weeks Earl lived with Sun, who as ever was nursing and fussing, just like she did with her old friend Charlie. Earl enjoyed her attention and i know it made all the difference to how he was feeling

Sorry i cant really make sense now. Earl was the only rabbit ive known who actively sought out our attention and would sit on our laps and enjoy grooms for hours on end. As some of you know weve been having to rehome some buns lately, and Earl was going to go too, as wed only had him a couple of months...the thing is he was such a character, and Sun loved him so much, that we just couldnt bear it

Were all yet again grieving, including Sun:( Travel safely little soft guy, i cant believe youre gone

Taken during our last moments together
im so sorry to hear of little earl, he was gorgeous! had to turn off the last moments slideshow...it made me want to cry!
poor babe , just not fair :(
Oh no I'm so sorry :( I know how much Earl meant to you. I'm glad he didn't suffer.

Sleep tight tired bunny x x
AWW im so so sorry for ur loss, im sure he had a wonderful life with u and lots of cuddles of his bunny friend. Better to have a short happy life than a long unhappy one x