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Which Hay

think I will get her back to vet. Typical! will be emergency rates cus they are closed for the holiday BUT Bella is more important
Again, not necessarily. How a bunny acts is dependent on personality, resilience and problem. I have Wish, whose mouth is a mess. Her teeth are horrendously misaligned, her roots are poking everywhere, her spurs grow everywhere. She binkies every day, rolls everyday, stuffs her face and is so happy. She doesn't show outward signs of an issue in behaviour, I have to watch for her losing weight and her eye running and then know she needs a dental.

If, say, your girlie has a spike poking into her tongue, it may be sore only if she bites her tongue, say, so if she hasn't bitten her tongue, then maybe she feels comfortable.

arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I see, so much to still learn with them isn't there
think I will try her first on some different hay before I phone vet to see how she takes to it and watch her eat it, if at all she does
such a frightening experience for them both going to the vets as I normally get tum troubles when they get back anyway. I know it's gonna affect her badly
since I have had her which is about 3 years now, we reckon she is probably about 5? she has been a big hay eater so what would cause dental probs in her now then?
Genetics, deterioration with age.

I'd suggest thinking about calling the vet sooner rather than later because if it is dental she will need some pain meds ASAP.
I have news. Just zipped up to the pet shop and bought 3 different types of hay just as an experiment including an Alfafa ring which as soon as I placed in the hutch Bella went straight for and started picking it and eating it. I watched her chewing action very closely and I am pretty sure, with all your help, that it is a dental problem, she seemed to be eating it more at the front of her mouth, taking more time as usual etc.

So been straight onto the on-call vet who I know and she advised that I let Bella have some fresh grass to give her some energy as she has eaten very little the last few days. I have picked some of some fresh tops and offered it her and she seemed bloody glad of it although again her chewing motion was different to normal.

I have her booked into for tomorrow morning at 10.15am and vet is gonna probably put her under to look at the back. I asked why not today and she replied that she need time to make sure Bella came round from the anaesthetic ok and I was on the phone to her describing how Bella was attacking the Alfalfa ring at the time. She says will give me a little time to feed her something in the meantime.

So she definitely wants to eat but must definitely be having problems so I thank you thank you for all your help because, never having had buns with dental probs before and always keeping their teeth pristine, I would never have guessed it could be that, so I owe you guys bigtime

I shall let you know in the morning how I get on with her.

In the meantime, to which I forgot to ask the vet, how do they treat the problem eg. sharp tooth. Do they file it down when they are under and will this be an ongoing problem now that it has started?
Is she having any pain relief overnight?

Good luck tomorrow :) Yes, definitely carry on with the Fibreplex.

Yes, they will likely burr down any sharp spurs. If a bunny has needed one dentla it is likely it will need another, but the time in between dentals is an unknown, it could be weeks, it could be months, it could be years.
HI, she didn't mention any pain relief, I was more pee'd orf the fact that she is leaving it until tomorrow :evil: Have given Bella some fresh grass, the softer pieces, and she has munched it all up and wants more but I am gonna leave it until later when it cools down and they come out in their pen tonight
Hello sky, thanks so much for asking. I have news. After speaking with the vet yesterday when she said to offer Bella grass so she could at least have something in her tummy, I obviously wasn't sure because of her tummy. Well she lapped the grass up and also some of her pellets, she was most definitely hungry. She also had another nibble at the Alfafa ring I bought.

Anyway, last night when I was out on the patio with them she did me a wonderful pressie, some solid healthy looking poopies, a little smaller than normal which is to be expected but she did it :love::love::love: I cried with joy I can tell you.

She was very perky again last night and I spent at least 2 hours watching them bob about before bedtime, she had more grass and more pellets and I also managed to sneak a dose of Fibre-plex on her. That stuff seems to have helped enormously thanks to you guys so I will always have that on stand-by now.

Righty ho then...... took her this morning and whilst I held her vet had a good look in her mouth with that funny object thingy :lol: but couldn't see any immediate probs so she put her under to have a better look. She rang me a couple of hours ago to tell me that she had found a couple of tiny sharp pieces on the lower side teeth which she has filed down. Everything else in her mouth looks great. Seems it was caught in the early stages and she hasn't penetrated her tongue or done any damage. I am going to pick my baby up in about 20mins. :love::love::love::love::love: She said it could now be an occurring problem.

Thanks to you guys on here I would never have even thought about dental, as with Cookie who is now 7, I have never had to deal with dental before and never knew what to look for so lots of kisses and thanks to you guys who helped me :angel:

I will now know what to look for in Bella if it happens again. Watching her chew very closely seemed to show there was a problem.

I shall still give her a daily dose of the Fibre-plex for a day or so as the stress of being at the vets may well upset her tummy again, as it normally does with Cookie.

I shall be watching her closely over the next 24 hours to see how she copes with the hay and if she tucks into it well, I will then know that the two tiny edges will have been the problem. Must have been uncomfortable for her but I really don't think that she was in pain as I generally know both body language and symptoms with both buns when that has happened previously

Can't thank you enough guys and I shall let you know how she is when I get her home
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I'm glad she is doing so well :)

I would suggest asking for some Metacam (pain relief) to give to her because she has clearly been uncomfortable and it might help speed up her recovery.