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Holding my bunny.


Young Bun
Since I got him he's never been able to be held like a normal bunny. He insists on being held upside down or he jumps out of my arms. I got him from a great petshop that I trust and he was handled very well. However, I still don't have the courage to neuter him! Other than that he's rather horny sometimes, he has no flaws! Do you have any idea why he only likes to be held this way?
upside down? do u mean like cradling him like a baby in ur arms? or actually resting him downwards against u? if u mean like a baby, they often go into a hypnotic trance when held this way so he may enjoy this immensely! and also it calms them down when held like this after the stress of being lifted. if u mean downwards.. then perhaps he likes to be able to see the floor at all times so he knows he's not too high up and feels more secure this way? my bun doesnt like being held upright because he doesn't know if he will have option of jumping down but as soon as he sees the floor he does a mad leap for it so i have to be really careful.. so that may be why if he wants to be able to see the ground when he's picked up... other than that i dont have any ideas! hope this helps. :)