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  • Please Note - Medical Advice

    Please keep in mind that posts on this forum are from members of the public sharing personal opinions. It is not a replacement for qualified medical advice from a veterinarian. Many illnesses share similar symptoms but require different treatments. A medical exam is necessary for an accurate diagnosis, without which appropriate treatment cannot be given.

    You should always consult your vet before following any suggestions for medication or treatment you have read about. The wrong treatment could make your rabbit worse or mean your vet is unable to give the correct treatment because of drug interactions. Even non prescription drugs can do harm if given inappropriately.

    We are very grateful to members who take time to answer other members questions, but please do be clear in your replies that you are sharing personal experience and not giving instructions on what must be done.

    Urgent Medical Advice: If you need, or think you might need, urgent medical advice you should contact a vet. If it is out of working hours phone your vet's normal number and there should be an answer phone message with instructions on what to do.

Xena is wobbly. Advice re vets.

Sending you lots of wee-collecting vibes :) It sounds as though what has been arranged with your vet for Xena is very sensible. I hope it works for her.
Thank you all for your input and support. I really do appreciate every reply.

I spoke to my vet and he agrees with me regarding the possibility of arthritis. He wants a urine sample rather than taking bloods to check her kidneys because it is less invasive and so less stressful for her. I agree with this, although it does mean a fun evening of trying to get the actual sample haha. She's a ****** and refuses to pee whenever I want a sample from her. I'm sure she knows what I'm after!

She will be going for an acupuncture session. Fiver gets this every 6 weeks and I really hope it helps Xena as much as it has helped him. I would certainly try the massage if that didn't work. She's a cuddle bun and would most likely enjoy the interaction. :) She can't get enough of nose rubs and I always give her a quick prod and poke to make sure her tum is OK and there's no lumps or bumps or sore bits and she is very good with me doing this.

I'm hoping her kidneys are ok and we can just focus on managing the possible arthritis. At least with arthritis, I know that there are quite a few options available to her and I'm quietly hopeful that we can get on top of her symptoms and she'll have a while with me yet. I do love my bolshy, bossy girl. :)

The vet should be able to get a clean sample by expressing her bladder if you can't. But I hope you manage to get one without too much stress on all sides :)
Hi. Sorry for the delay in posting. I got a urine sample but didn't manage to call the vet yesterday because I was at work. I've got hold of my vet today and there is protein in the urine. :( Obviously it could be kidneys but it also could be from the urinary tract, indicating an infection. So we are going to treat with abx and then retest the urine. If there is still protein then we will presume she has some kind of problem with her kidneys, most likely caused with the e.c. We will decide what to do from there. Would a blood test show any more detail than the urine test?

Xena is doing well but last night Shadowfax stopped eating. After about half an hour, some zantac and metacam, and lots and lots of forage being shoved in her face, she made a miraculous recovery and seems perfectly ok now. I asked my vet if he'd want to see her for a checkup due to her recently needing some spurs removed. I'm going to book her in tomorrow and also try and get an appointment for Fiver and Xena to see the acupuncturist and pick up the abx. I just have to stagger things so I can afford it! I swear my animals sync their illnesses!

What options do I have for kidney problems? Would using tramadol be better than the metacam? I know metacam can cause kidney problems but doesn't seem to affect bunnies in the same way. I'd just rather not give tramadol until I have no other option. I see tramadol as a "last resort" kind of med. Of course if it means helping hed kidneys to cope then I'd definitely use it.

Oh, the worry!
Sorry I have no experience with kidney problems, but I hope the abx resolve the protein issue with Xena indicating that it was just an infection.

I hope that Shadowfax is still eating OK and that you manage to establish whether it is spurs that caused the reluctance to eat.

Yes, it's amazing how animals all decide to be unwell at once :)
Shadowfax and Fiver had a checkup today since I had to pick up the abx anyway. Both buns seem to be in good health and their teeth don't seem bad, which has at least put my mind at rest. Obviously it doesn't mean that there are spurs or problems that can't be seen in a conscious bunny but since Shadowfax is back to her usual self, I'm hoping the last stasis bout was just a hiccup. Perhaps she was scared by something or was struggling with some fur...who knows?

I really am hoping she has an infection...not in a bad way, of course, but because this is something that can be treat with meds. Fingers crossed the abx sorts her out!