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Brothers Fighting

I have two mini lop brothers who were born in Aug last year and neutered around 14 weeks. They've lived together successfully since birth up until last Thursday.

All of a sudden one was grooming the other and the one being groomed went for the other. They were chasing in circles with fur flying - it was horrible to see.

They've been in new accommodation for about 4 weeks - a playhouse and 8x6 run which they loved. I've read fighting can be triggered by new accommodation but would this be the case after 4 weeks of living in it successfully?

I've separated them now by dividing the run in two, so one has run only (partly covered in case it rains) and the other has part run and house. They get swapped 2 - 3 times a day and I've been letting them out in the garden supervised. First couple of days they "nipped" each other but nothing since. In fact they've snuggled up in the run and been grooming each other.

I don't know when to put them back together. I've lost confidence and don't trust them - I'm worried sick! They will lay nose to nose sometimes and I'm on tender hooks waiting for the fighting to start!

When would you suggest I put them back together?
It might have been a one-off so when you are going to be around for a couple of days, put them back togethwr, and hopefully all will be well again. If they start fighting again then it looks like you will have to separate them, it will be a shame though. Fingers crossed they will be ok.