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too much humping?


New Kit
Hi, just looking for a bit of advice.
We bought a female rabbit from a pet shop and only found out when reading up on rabbit care that they prefer to live in pairs. So we had Bambi spayed and began the process of finding her a mate through the local RSPCA, who were excellent in helping us with the bonding process. She was introduced to Marvin ( a one year old neutered male) in a neutral space at the centre and had three successful sessions, where Marvin was more dominant and Bambi seemed to accept him before we brought him home.
Bringing him home was entirely different. We re-introduced them in a neutral space in the bathroom where Bambi seemed totally indifferent until Marvin decided to hump and then she would turn on him and there would literally be fur flying until we could separate them. Bonding was usually OK if Marvin didn't try and hump and he obviously liked her, he would try and groom a little and lie next to her but it was still very up and down. The rabbits live outside in a shed with an old aviary attached. So we gave Marvin the shed and Bambi the aviary separated by a fabric stairgate so that they could see and smell each other. One morning we found that one of them had chewed through the gate and we found Bambi in his side. Whilst there was fur everywhere, they had clearly had a fight neither, seemed injured and it seemed to be a breakthrough and after that bonding was much better, Bambi began grooming him too and they both lay together quite happily.
Sorry for the long winded background, just wanted to provide a history of the relationship, they have now been together all the time for about two weeks. However we have noticed over this past week that Bambi seems to be looking very scruffy in the back area and we think it is where he is pulling fur out when humping her, though her never humps her in our presence anymore. Bambi seems happy still and bounces over to him they are always together but if he comes over to her she always puts her head down. Don't know if we are being over sensitive for her, is this just what rabbits do and will she be ok with it. When we phoned the RSPCA for some advice when bonding was tricky they said that humping was just a novelty for him as he had been on his own and it would settle down.
Also Bambi is becoming more difficult to pick up, especially when we try and check her bottom, she gives a great big kick, how do we get he over this? Would be grateful for any advice, sorry for rambling.
Everything seems normal according to what you have said. When she puts her head down as he approaches , she is just saying she accepts him peacefully. Well that's how I read it! :D

Rabbits don't like to be picked up generally but it is good to check them every day. You will need to find an easy way to catch her and hold her securely against you while you check her. Does she have a problem at rhe rear end?

Do they have lots of hay to munch through together - might take his mind off the humping a bit, but that should die down soon.
:wave: welcome to ru. I agree with Toni buns advice. Our newest edition hates being picked up but I find she is much better when I get on ground level & hold her close.
Welcome to the Forum :wave:

Is Marvin neutered, and if so (I expect he is) - how long ago? He obviously still has a fair few hormones floating round his body :)

His behaviour should calm down, and Bambi will also learn to assert herself a bit more. Basically their relationship will settle in a wee while.

As for Bambi becoming less easy to handle - I think this is part of the 'settling down' process too. Don't forget, bonding is very stressful for rabbits. We don't realise it - there's good at the end, but there's lots of adjustments to be made on both parts, just like in a human relationship.

Good luck - you've done the right thing :thumb:
Hi everyone, thanks for replies, Yep Marvin was neutered, before Xmas according to RSPCA. Bambi was always good at being picked up and Marvin is great. She has never has any problems, we just check her as part of her daily routine. I did read that behaviour can change once you introduce another bunny and they can become less interested in humans? They have loads of hay two different hay holders loaded with it daily, and they have lots of toys in their area and given time outside in the run daily. Just basically wanted to check that Bambi wouldn't be stressed by the relationship, and you ave reassured me that she should be fine, thanks all x