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Warren Scout
Bellatrix has to be locked in her 2 storey 6 ft hutch at night time. She has been loudly thumping for a couple of hours so I'm really worried that she is scared but she's never done it before? I went to check on her and she came straight to me and I've brought her inside where she is now binkying around! I'm worried she's scared but my gut is telling me she is demanding attention and to be let out! Is that possible or is thumping something rabbits only do when they're scared?
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I've only ever known bunnies to thump as a warning to other bunnies ie. to warn of danger.
Good Morning, I've found that rabbits tend to thump when they are startled as a warning to the rest of the warren. They have very sensative hearing and sense of smell. We used to have a house bunny who would thump when our neighbours were having a row! She also did it when cats were outside fighting. They will also do it if they can smell a fox about.
I have to say I've known it as being fear/warning sort of behaviour when I was researching stuff about rabbits, though there were a select few which stated it was either fear/warning or to display great displeasure - I don't know how true the latter is, I guess in some circumstances fear and displeasure go hand in hand - that's a different debate though, just thought I'd throw in some articles termed it as.

If something has startled her - is there no way that a cat/fox/bird or such has gotten into the garden or she can hear any animals domesticated/otherwise in the background?
Otherwise if it were the point of displeasure it does (as well as fear) coincide with how she's reacted now she's inside. In that case is it maybe her hutch or been left there a little longer than normal? Empty food bowl or something a little different? Even just defiant and bored I guess :lol:

Either way I'm glad to hear she's happy as a lamb now =]

Edit: Thought I would google to try and find a few of these articles, not all were the ones I originally found but interesting enough
http://www.toomanybunnies.com/understanding-bunny-languag.html - this was one was interesting though watch it calls it stomping but then gives details to how they look if fright
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I've had rabbits thump for all sorts of reasons. Generally it is used to get the attention of someone/bun, as a warning signal or because they are upset about something. I regularly get thumped at after trimming nails. Sometimes it is used to try and warn an offending animal off. But I have also had rabbits do it when they are having fun running around and playing, usually right before they take a giant leap onto something.

If your bun isn't acting upset or scared when you hear her thumping and bring her in, then I would think she is just doing it to get your attention.
I've had rabbits thump for all sorts of reasons. Generally it is used to get the attention of someone/bun, as a warning signal or because they are upset about something. I regularly get thumped at after trimming nails. Sometimes it is used to try and warn an offending animal off. But I have also had rabbits do it when they are having fun running around and playing, usually right before they take a giant leap onto something.

If your bun isn't acting upset or scared when you hear her thumping and bring her in, then I would think she is just doing it to get your attention.

This is what I think. When she used to be in my bedroom in a large puppy pen she would rattle the cage until I let her out. My instinct says this is the same but she realises she can't rattle anything and thumping is the loudest sound she can make! I appreciate everyone else's views and I will go straight out if she does it again to make sure she is ok.

I'm not sure what I should do now? Ignore so she stops or what!?!
Have you got a run that could be attached 24/7? Rabbits are usually very active at night and in the early hours.
Have you got a run that could be attached 24/7? Rabbits are usually very active at night and in the early hours.

The run I use is a large dog pen attached that's open at the top (1.20M high) and I don't feel safe letting her in it when I'm not there. I need to have a good think about how I can let her out or buy a proper rabbit run I can attach somehow. The thumping hasn't happened again. I think it might have been that I covered the hutch as it was windy and it might have scared her that she couldn't see out as well. But I am definitely trying to make an exercise area for night time happen soon!
The run I use is a large dog pen attached that's open at the top (1.20M high) and I don't feel safe letting her in it when I'm not there. I need to have a good think about how I can let her out or buy a proper rabbit run I can attach somehow. The thumping hasn't happened again. I think it might have been that I covered the hutch as it was windy and it might have scared her that she couldn't see out as well. But I am definitely trying to make an exercise area for night time happen soon!

She would be a lot happier if she could access her run - I think the recommended size is 8ft x 4ft: you check that on the RWAF website.
My bunny thumps because he is a grumpy boy and doesn't like me in his hutch! Lol. If I left him to it he wouldn't bother coming out for a run around so I pick him up and get him out the hutch and when I am trying to catch him he thumps at me. Perfectly happy when he is out though, he just doesn't want to be moved from his cosy bed!! My other rabbit only thumps when something scares her, wind or a loud noise.
She may well be a bit bored and lonely when she's shut in on her own, have you thought about getting her a friend to snuggle with?