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    Please keep in mind that posts on this forum are from members of the public sharing personal opinions. It is not a replacement for qualified medical advice from a veterinarian. Many illnesses share similar symptoms but require different treatments. A medical exam is necessary for an accurate diagnosis, without which appropriate treatment cannot be given.

    You should always consult your vet before following any suggestions for medication or treatment you have read about. The wrong treatment could make your rabbit worse or mean your vet is unable to give the correct treatment because of drug interactions. Even non prescription drugs can do harm if given inappropriately.

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Very skinny rabbit can't sit up.. please help!


New Kit
My rabbit is 18 months old and last week I went ourt to feed him and he wasn't interested in coming out his house. He usually hops up to greet me but didnt this time. I also noticed he had suddenly got really skinny and had had a runny nose as the fur just below looked wet.
I put his food and water infront of him and he ate fine. He hasnt gone off his food at all, I cant see any signs of diarrhea but he hasnt put on any weight and is still really skinny.he hasnt hopped around much either.
I went out this morning and he was lying on his side with his eyes almost closed and his back leg was twitching a bit. He couldn't get himself up so I sat him up and gave him his food which he ate.
Does anyone know what might be the matter? I rang the vets to get an appointment but that's not until Saturday.
Any help and/or advice would be greatly appreciated.
He really needs to see a vet today-the sooner the better.If you ring the vets again and explain to the receptionist about his symptoms they should be able to arrange an appointment for him today.Rabbits can get quite poorly very quickly so Saturday is too long to wait.

Hope he will be much better soon.
My rabbit is 18 months old and last week I went ourt to feed him and he wasn't interested in coming out his house. He usually hops up to greet me but didnt this time. I also noticed he had suddenly got really skinny and had had a runny nose as the fur just below looked wet.
I put his food and water infront of him and he ate fine. He hasnt gone off his food at all, I cant see any signs of diarrhea but he hasnt put on any weight and is still really skinny.he hasnt hopped around much either.
I went out this morning and he was lying on his side with his eyes almost closed and his back leg was twitching a bit. He couldn't get himself up so I sat him up and gave him his food which he ate.
Does anyone know what might be the matter? I rang the vets to get an appointment but that's not until Saturday.
Any help and/or advice would be greatly appreciated.


I am afraid that your Rabbit must see a Vet today. It sounds as though he is now seriously ill and from your description it is absolutely essential that he does not have to wait until Saturday to receive Veterinary attention. Saturday may be too late.

Please call the Vet back now and insist on him being seen as an emergency. Whilst waiting he needs to be in a warm environment, so if he lives outdoors bring him inside and put him in a Pet Carrier with warm towels to sit on.

Yes - as hoppetylop said he really, really could do with seeing a vet today, as soon as possible. Saturday may be too long for him to wait, and he does sound rather poorly - poor boy :(

Are you in the UK? Is your vet knowledgeable with rabbits? It sounds like you may need a vet who is fairly knowledgeable with rabbits in order to treat your bunny properly. If you don't feel like your vet is particularly 'savvy', you can post a thread on here asking for recommendations in your area.

Hope your boy improves and you can get him to a vet today.
I agree with J-J: your rabbit is very ill and needs to be seen as an emergency.
Good luck and please keep us updated.
Can't really add anything to what the others have said, but really hope you manage to get your bun to a rabbit savvy vet today. Sounds like vet care as soon as possible is, as Jane said, essential.