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Ear cleaning for buns who can't

Mad Bunster

Mama Doe
Hi all,
Not been here in ages it's seems! But need a bit of advice please.

Nibbles arthritis has worsened severely over the last couple of months and despite high metacam one of his back legs just won't move and he is very stiff on it. Up till now it just meant this leg was lagging a bit and would scrape his toenails, but now he can't scratch his ears with that leg and can only balance for few seconds when cleaning his face with his front paws (heart breaking to watch).

So, I looked in his ears today and he had a huge lump of wax in there. I've fished it out but it's still a bit grimy in there, so what's the best way to clean his ears? I just used water and cotton buds, but is there anything else that will clean better?

He was obviously annoyed he couldn't scratch his ear afterwards too, poor little mite :cry:
I'm sure someone can advise on the ear cleaning, but for the grooming you could try adding a block about bunny elbow height eg a brick or chunky catalogue/book. Some buns will prop themselves up then for a bit of extra balance.
Aww thanks Tamsin, that's a great idea. I've already levelled out his living area so there's nothing to jump over, but didn't appreciate the other changes I'd need to make.

Any more suggestions welcomed!
First of all I'd get the Vet to have a good look in his ears to make sure that there is no secondary infection and that the eardrum is intact. If all is well then the Vet should be able to recommend a good ear cleaning solution for regular use. I have found this one to be really good


I would not poke a cotton bud into the ear canal as that can cause even more problems.
Humans are advised never to stick something larger than their elbow down their ears: I imagine rabbits would be similar, being mammals?! Doesn't stop me earbudding my own ears out though ;P The advised human-ear-wax-busting solution is olive oil: just normal olive oil, dropped in with a syringe. Dunno if that works with rabbits but, again, it wouldn't surprise me if our secretions were similar!