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Apple branches

Hello all :wave:

A friend pruned his apple tree last weeks and gave us a dozen or so branches with leaves. I put 4 or 5 in the pen, and thought our two bunnies (lionheads) would probably just eat the leaves and perhaps gnaw on the branches over a few days - since they didn't seem to be fussed on the willow sticks I'd given them, I thought they'd be the same with the apple branches. I was wrong. A few hours later, there was barely a scrap of evidence that I'd ever put them in! Should I ration future branches or let them eat as much as they like? They do get plenty of hay/timothy grass, some fresh foraged weeds, occasional fresh bought stuff, and I'm trying to reduce the amount of pellets that they eat since they seem to be about full size now. Any thoughts? Thank you!
A few a day is fine, you will notice their urine will be darker coloured the more they eat :wave:
Louie loves them too, he usually has a large stick everyday from Mom and Dad's tree as I know they never use any nasty pesticides on their plants.